I have had long enough off to go back to my old late night ways... guess I'll have to get back on schedule later today though, or next week'll be nasty. So the funny thing about sleeping a lot, and taking lotsa glorious naps... is that I tend to look like Vir when I get up... for those of you who remember who Vir with the hint of B5.
So anywho I just finished up watching a Series called Last Exile. Which is pretty amazing in a number of ways. If you like some of Miyazaki's older stuff like Nausicaa and Laputa [Castle in the Sky] The same production designer was on this project, he also did the Angels for Evangelion, mech design for Escaflowne. So there are Airships, and grubby mining towns, and scenes of straight out wonder... The director did Full Metal Panic, and Duraga amongst other things.
The look of the thing is very much Weimar republic, with a dash of Late 19th century France, and Tzarist Russia, plus full bore SteamPunk with a Sci-Fi antagonist that's pretty trippy. Looks SOOOO good. You can find it:
at AnimeSeason or netflix prolly... If you like, you can find it cheap as a series too $30
Plus What's not to like about guys in uniform with long trench coats and bad attitudes. He is a secondary protagonist, but he wears it well:
and here is the our beautiful antagonist now...