Title: Sex Pistol, Chapter 17
Genre: AU (Non Magic), Romance/Humour and MWPP
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/ Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Sirius Black, Lily Evans/ James Potter, Dorcas Meadows, Alice Mayapple, Frank Longbottom
Rating: K
Spoilers: None
Summary: Punk guitarist Remus Lupin was never a big fan of the popular band The Marauders, but with a chance
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Comments 8
-curls up in a corner to die;
This was an epic chapter, I can't say how excited I was to see there was a new chapter!
Oh I do hope you update again very, very soon.
Thanks for the longer chapter (even though I already want more XD)! I'm looking forward to the next update ^_^
Poor Remus and Sirius and everyone. Damn Rosier, being his bad self and twisting everything. I bet he's the one who blabbed to Skeeter.
Also, damn Sirius for going public with Erik before Remus! Even though I understand why he's upset, it's still sad since Remus really loves him and stuck around for so long. AND has a new tattoo for him.
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