Title: Flotsam, Part 2
Genre: AU (Magical), Romance/Humour and MWPP
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/ Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Sirius Black
Rating: This chapter is rated 12.
Spoilers: none for
Summary: Sirius was never warned of seductive mermen when he signed the papers for this house.
Warning: This is a magical AU, set in Marauder era. Possibly OOC
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Comments 5
Anyway, just wanted to say that I absolutely adore this story! *_* The characters, the setting (Yay, Wales!), the mermaid-lore... = ♥!
Looking very much forward to more! :D
When I was writing the first part, I did a lot of research on mermaids, sirens, nix, ondines and water spirits in general. Anything I could find that was related to a mythical water-creature then I sort of picked certain details I wanted that would fit my image of merman Remus. I'm not that amazing *blush*, just a little too obsessive when it comes to details, historical or otherwise.
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