YAY to new layouts! I like the dull colors they fit my sulky winter mood. What do you all think?
Go to images.google.com for this one. Type in your answers to the questions below, then post the first image result (or first postable one if the first pic is down or something).
1. First Car:
1997 Plymouth Neon
2. Place you grew up:
Massillon OH
3. Place you live now:
Bowling Green OH
4. What shows up when you type your name in:
Amy Brand
5. 5. What comes up when you type your grandmother's name in:
Lillian Kilgore
6. Favorite food:
7. Favorite drink:
8. Favorite Song:
Venus Hum (this is the album cover)
9. Favorite smell:
10. Most favorite pair of shoes ever:
Mary Janes