Title : Whispers a of shattered soul
Author :
littlepaperswan Fandom : Supernatural
Pairing/Characters : No pairing, Sam (POV), Dean
Rating : PG-13
Spoilers : Episode 4.06 "Yellow Fever"
Warning : Mmm, angst maybe? *shrugged*
Disclaimer : I don't own the boys, sadly.
Summary : The nightmares got worse and worse... Sam was neither blind or stupid.
A/N : Many
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Comments 5
But who am I kidding? You've written this beautifully, as always. Even in English I can still recognize your style, isn't that great ?
Seriously, this is touching, (even if I didn't get the "lie stuff") simple and complicated at the same time.
Right now I damn you, I want to know what had happened to them.
Anyway, great job, as always-and you're really welcome for the beta, it was a pleasure ^_^
(en français parce qu'en ce moment j'ai trop les neurones en compote pour essayer de répondre in english XD)
Merci beaucouuuuup pour ta review *blush* *un big hug*
Hehe, si tu veux savoir ce qu'il leur est arrivé, il faudra regarder *sifflote*
*hugs again*
But very well written. I love the way you show their "lie-full" relationship but still there is the brotherly bond which they are not willing to give up. I hope they never stop trying to fix it.
I loved reading it ♥
Oh, lovely. ♥
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