Star Wars Horoscope for Aries
Like many aries, you have demonstrated your penchant for inflicting pain.
You feel you are at the center of the universe and that you must be in control.
You enjoy being a leader... and you find that your aggression and quick temper serve you well.
Star wars character you are most like: The Emperor
What is Your Star Wars Horoscope? 5 of 6 tests done. All passed. Did remarkably well on my Contemporary Art History final, and pretty good on Art Theory, too. But now I'm just blah. It's been un... un-something-ly hot. I've spend the last week pretty much studying solidly. Some days more than 8 hours total. And it was worth it; it got the desired result. But my brain is fried. I can hardly type. I can't think in either language... it comes out as a mix of the two...
And now begins the packing and shipping home of as much of my stuff as I can. Woo.
It's weird. It's all... ending? And soon it will all be beginning all over again... And it's so strange.