oh my goodness, I'd die hahah There's not many people like you it seems (that i know of anyway) people who are into math and sciences but who are also very creative in writing/painting/drawing/crafts. That's very cool.
I hope you have an excellent first day back tomorrow :)
Real math, i.e., when you get into the proofs and the most fun stuff, takes quite a bit of creativity. It's funny that I doubt my abilities in that area very much. =) There's this sort of creative genius that's required that some people like Paul Erdos have an abundance of, but others seem to be lacking even though they may have the mathematical skills required to learn higher-level mathematics.
I've met quite a few people who are creative and interested in math, since I've turned to the dark side, that is. ^_^ Never would have known before.
haha. Thank you. Yes, it was pretty hot that day! But I plan to start photodocumenting all the things I make before I give them away, so I figured I'd go ahead and do it. =)
The illustrations in it are very clear. =) Plus, there are some awesome patterns. Our school club is actually named after this book; it's the UMF Stitch 'N Bitch Club!
Comments 23
What classes are you starting off with tomorrow?
There's not many people like you it seems (that i know of anyway) people who are into math and sciences but who are also very creative in writing/painting/drawing/crafts. That's very cool.
I hope you have an excellent first day back tomorrow :)
Real math, i.e., when you get into the proofs and the most fun stuff, takes quite a bit of creativity. It's funny that I doubt my abilities in that area very much. =) There's this sort of creative genius that's required that some people like Paul Erdos have an abundance of, but others seem to be lacking even though they may have the mathematical skills required to learn higher-level mathematics.
I've met quite a few people who are creative and interested in math, since I've turned to the dark side, that is. ^_^ Never would have known before.
They're not that difficult to make, actually. It's pretty simple to learn from this book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0761128182/102-5252217-0456952?v=glance
The illustrations in it are very clear. =) Plus, there are some awesome patterns. Our school club is actually named after this book; it's the UMF Stitch 'N Bitch Club!
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