Been a while since I wrote my last fan fic. I think like maybe June or something? Anyways,
this picture just kind of screamed love.
"Shit," Gerard breaths out, slumped against the wall of their hide out. "That was getting intense. I wasn't sure we'd make it."
"I had faith in us." Mikey says, cleaning his gun and readying himself for the next battle. "I had faith in you."
"Oh how sweet," Gerard retorts, the words dripping with cold sarcasm, "Faith ain't gonna get us anywhere in this world. We need to be strong and ready for whatever comes our way." Mikey slides down next to him, fingering the fraying and burned edges of a near laser wound. He remembers quite clearly everything before Better Living Industries came, normalcy seemed like such a boring thing back then.
"Even you don't believe that." Mikey replies, "You always said that heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. You're a hero Gee." He leans his head against his older brother, trying to regain that sense of calm and home in his mind. Gerard smells like he used to, 20 years ago when they would live their normal lives in their normal home in New Jersey.
Gerard shrugs, putting an arm around his brother protectively, "You're twisting my words. That's old shit Mikey and you know it. The world's different now." Mikey can feel it in Gerard's torso, the softest shaking that indicates he's scared shitless too.
"It's okay." Mikey puts his gloved hand to Gerard's cheek, looking into the lost eyes. When Gerard had been dealing with the alcohol and drugs, Mikey had to pretend like he was strong and confident when he was really just scared shitless like Gerard. Mikey has to do that now too, even though he's not sure what will keep him alive or kill him. All he knows is that he has Gerard and Gerard will always protect him.
Gerard lets out a shaky breath, licking his dry lips as he tries to form his fear into words that make him seem like he's always been the strong one. Mikey shush him, reversing the roles, letting Gerard lean on Mikey while he wraps his arms around Gerard. "You don't always have to be a hero. Heroes are just extra ordinary people."
"You're full of bullshit." Gerard loosens in Mikey's embrace. "Just shut up and kiss me, you animal." Mikey doesn't laugh or scoff, he simply complies.