Updated 8/2/07
This is getting very long, better cut it. :P
To Do List:
- Birthday giftart for alisanne by 8/10/07: Snape/Harry/Draco. :D - almost done - gotta add some details 8/9/07
- Make Hogwarts House icons from HOH pics - Done! 7/3/07
- Icon of my Draco v. Draco pic - Done! 7/3/07
- June Daily Deviant - Done! 6/22/07
- Giftart for Sansa1970 - totally pwn-ed 7/04/07
- Giftart for Madam_minnie - Done! 7/01/31
- First attempt at June's Daily Deviant pic which turned into something else - it's a pretty cool, decently worked up sketch so I might color it... - On the other hand, probably not - need to upload it.
- Harry/Draco doodle that I've been meaning to do something with - now scanned! 6/27/07
- Three panel comic for an awesome scene from an awesome writer's story - you know who you are - Haven't had a chance at this one yet either. :(
- Color contraceptive Mad Eye pic before dez-chan hurts me. :P - Done!
- July's collab for D_D - This one's EXTREMELY kinky. - Done! 7/15/07
- Finally decide how I'm going to do my gallery and stick with it. - I'm making myself settle on zoom. X\ HP icons and art are up - still working on everything else
- then finally upload all the rest of my old art and/or move things around to a permanent location. - scrapped everything I had, now using zoom 8/9/07
- Tag everything on the webpage - working on it as I go along 7/15/07
- Redo LJ layout cause the one it defaulted to when I went off premium sucks.
- attempt to make animated gif out of Moody - Done! 7/5/07
- hp_art100 stuff - Updated 7/4/07: 2 down...98 to go. :P
- hp_tarot claim: King of Swords: yay for Dark!Harry w/worshipful DEs. Heh - Sketch well on it's way 7/7/07
- B-day giftart of the Snape and Harry variety for magic_helmet by 8/07/07 - Done! ;P 7/15/07
- More Snarry b-day giftart for the amazing igtow by 8/2/07 - Done! 8/2/07
- Big commission for a friend to give to her beta as a Christmas gift - need to reread the wonderful story before I can start on it. It's going to be a lot of fun to do. I'm excited! :D Reading through the story! I haven't had much time for reading lately and it's so good I can't just read the parts she wants illustrated! Must read whole thing! XD - have been playing around with poses and things quite a bit in my head, though - 8/2/07
- DH Doodles 1 & 2 - Done! - 8/9/07
- Clean up DH doodles 3 & 4
Currently: August giftart and hp_tarot piece - chip away at the awesome Snarry commission ;)
Next up: Snarry Comission due by christmas but going to be kick ass cause I'm going to work on it UNTIL christmas. *rubs hands together* I can't wait! It's going to be seriously awesome.
My prompt is "Harry" for the general table.
1. Red
2. Candy
3. Sunflower
4. Sleep
5. Apple
6. Pirate
7. Clouds
Forgive 9. Mirror
10. Water
11. Zodiac
12. Angel
13. Violent
14. Relax
15. Possess
16. Afraid
17. Tear
18. Map
19. Save
20. Snitch
21. Friend
22. Interlace
23. Moon
24. News
25. Drink
26. Blue
27. Protect
28. Fantasy
29. Spite
30. Fly
31. Jealous
32. Grasp
33. Books
34. Magnify
35. Fade
36. Consequence
37. Heart
38. Legend
39. Respect
40. Conjure
41. Chocolate
42. Defense
43. Secret
44. Burn
45. Letters
46. Creation
47. Hospitaity
48. Loyalty
49. Games
50. Sorrow
51. Apologize
52. Trick
53. Light
54. Shadow
55. Intimacy
56. Marked
57. Snake
58. Circles
59. Snow
60. Disheveled
61. Remember
62. Child
63. Wait
64. Isolate
65. Redemption
66. Courage
67. Simple
68. Cold
69. Morning
70. History
71. Mask
72. Butterfly
73. Wind
74. Inspired
75. Fall
76. Smoke
77. Complimentary
78. Dream
79. Final
80. Trust
81. Sacrifice
82. Beauty
83. Deciet
84. Dying
85. Heal
86. Mercy
87. Unexpected
88. Fragile
Influence 90. Music
91. Paint
92. See
93. Support
94. Forget
95. Colorless
96. Decoy
97. Mistake
98. Never
99. Problem
100. Good-bye
In other news: I hope LJ gets set on fire