ALAYNA IS HERE! I was leaking fluid for two days before anyone noticed. The bad thing is, I went to my OB appointment the day before and they checked me for fluid leaking and said that there was nothing to be concerned about. When I got to L&D on Tuesday, they told me that there was an upper bag and lower bag of water?! The lower bag was
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Comments 22
But pump, pump, pump just to get and keep your milk in, regardless of weather or not you can b/f, cause if you find out later "like I did" that you could have but didn't, you'll hate yourself for it. Just cause you pump it out doesn't mean she has to have it, freeze it. Ask your pediatrician, they should know. Go LLL, they will certainly know. Waiting for the L.C. to come back on Monday is too long to wait. Start pumping now, I'd say every 2~3 hours and you should have a great supply started once she is ok'd to start breast feeding. I just feel passionate about this subject cause I was cheated out breastfeeding my oldest son because of a doctor's advice, only to find out weeks later that I could have........
Good luck and you can chat with me anytime!!!!
Awww she is so cute.
What is GBS?
Congradulations mommy!!
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