френдам-лингвистам (и интересующимся)

Dec 21, 2007 17:02

Не посоветуете, куда можно отдать кое-какие материалы по психо- исоциолингвистике?

The Earliest Stage of Language Planning. “The First Congress” Phenomenon. Ed. by Fishman, Joshua A. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1993.
(Introduction, conclusion, Belorus, Korean script, Macedonian, Turkish, 1928 Ukraine orthogr)

Duranti, Alessandro. Linguistic Anthropology: History, Ideas and Issues // Idem. (ed.) Lingusitic Anthropology: A Reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. 2001.

David Crystal. Language and the Internet. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
(The medium of Netspeak, The language of e-mail, RULES, language of the Web, REFS)

Howard Giles, Nikolas Coupland. Language: Contexts and Consequences. Open University Press, 1991.
(ОГЛАВЛ, гл2 - language attitudes, ch.4 - language, ethnicity and intergroup communication.

Robert G. Crowder, Richard K. Wagner. The Psychology of Reading. An Introduction. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1992.

Roger Fowler. On Critical Linguistics // Texts and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis. Ed. by Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthand and Malcolm Coulthand. London/New York, Routledge, 1996. P. 3 - 14.

Hélène Gill. Language Choice, Language Policy and the Tradition-Modernity Debate in Culturally Mixed Postcolonial Communities: France and the “Francophone” Maghreb as a Case Study // Language and Society in the Middle East and North Africa. Ed. by Yasir Suleyman. Curzon Press, 1999. P. 122 - 136.

John R. Perry. Comparative Perspectives on Language Planning in Iran and Tajikistan // Language and Society in the Middle East and North Africa. Ed. by Yasir Suleyman. Curzon Press, 1999. P. 154 - 173.

Thomas L. Simmons. Face Threats in a Faceless Medium: Negotiating Ideological Parameters in Computer Mediated Communication // Language and Ideology. Selected papers from the 6th International Pragmatics Conference. Vol. 1. Ed. by Jef Verschueren. Antwerp, 1999.

Jaap van Marle. Dialect versus standard language: nature versus culture // Taming the Vernacular. From Dialect to Written Standard Language. Ed. by Jenny Cheshire and Dieter Stein. Longman, London - New-York, 1997.

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