Jun 08, 2010 22:09

He doesn't have a name yet. Phone name is stdio, which he says like "stidio". (it's the standard input/output header file that's widely used in C programming)

One of the original phone cracking team, who broke into the phone and made tools to customize stuff. Not a thief himself, but somewhat well-known within the community. You can't not be famous when so many people's livelihoods depend on your tools.

He sort of fits the general image of someone who spends their life in front of a computer screen. Hair that should have been cut ages ago, sort of pale, surprisingly not skinny (sugar intake?)...he's brilliant at the stuff he does. Math and logic. He enjoys it, though you wouldn't be able to tell from his face- no one beats him at being deadpan. Most of the time, anyway. (possibly except where 2D girls are concerned?)

His other hobby (besides annoying everyone's favourite phone maker) is music. Word is he's an amateur composer, but that's just a rumour. Owns an electric guitar called stdlib (pronounced "stidlib"; gotta keep up the geek), but isn't the most fantastic player ever.


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