New Artwork...

Mar 16, 2006 11:07

I've decided it's time for this journal to live up to its name...

I have been creating a lot of art lately, and under the cut are some of the picture...

Artwork Here!

Okay, I have been on a carved stamp binge, so this post is for them :D

I joined an Artist's Faux Postage swap over at Nness, the the folowing resulted:

You can't really see the pretty gold work, it doesn't scan well...but the symbol on her cheek is one of the Chinese characters for Morning (becase my initials are AM.) The 42 is there because as we all know, 42 is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything (plus stamps just look better with a number on them.)

This is a Mermaid stamp I carved. The border however was made by the talented PGill, over at Nness. I with this stamp printed better, but at least it gives a kind of interesting 'woodblock print' feel.

This is a bird stamp, made at my mom's request. I think it turned out ratehr well. Those dots you see around it are perforations I made with a needle. I do not suggest this for perforating any large quanity a stamps, as blood appear out of nowhere...

This is the first stamp I ever carved, at least one that was a picture and not a letter. I sent it to PGill for the carved stamp swap.

I did not carve these stamps, but I did make the ATC with them. They were made by Sillysarasue at Nness, who is hosting the swap.

Okay, next post will feature non-carved art!

carved stamps

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