015: Lost Horizon (team gen, PG), cover

Dec 30, 2008 21:12

Title: Lost Horizon
Author: propinquitine
Artist: highonstargate
Characters and Pairings: team gen
Word Count: 4800 words
Rating: PG
Spoilers: some basic developments of early season 5, but AU plot-wise
Summary: There's so much wonder in the world, but you have to be able to see it.

Notes: We used the 6 September 2008 Astronomy Picture of the Day, A Flock of Stars, as our inspiration. It took us a while to narrow down our selection, and we definitely recommend that anyone who's keen on gorgeous images take a look through that archive!

Cover by highonstargate

Story by propinquitine

pairing: none (gen), fandom: stargate: atlantis, author: propinquitine, artist: highonstargate, 015 - astronomy, art: covers

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