Twinky was denied a use of the pet door (We locked it because of a stray that was persistantly trying to come in.) all night and somehow not only managed to forget where the litter box was, but had the audacity to use our bed as one. (I guess she was PO'd that she was grounded and decided to let us know...) Speechless... 0_0
It happened at 3:30 AM. Luckily, the "damage" was concentrated on Mr. AD's side...(lol) Nonetheless, he screamed and ripped the beadspread off the bed, successfully jolting me out of my peaceful slumber...
I'm sure it was funnier than heck if it had happened to somebody else, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I had to throw everything in the wash and go and buy Fabreze to get rid of the nasty smell. Mr. AD slept on the couch downstairs. I stayed up and watched anime raw on the net, read, took a bath, write to my sister in Japan.
Let's see how long I can stay awake this afternoon. XD
No treat for the kitty until I feel better. lol
まいった、まいった...いきなりね、ブルースが、「ゲ!ナンダコレ!!!」ってすごいでかい声出したから、こっちまで起こされちゃったヨ~。 (いいメーワクだぜ。)
いきなり電気つけて、掛け布団ひっぱがすから何かと思って見れば、にゃんこちゃんのオシッコ・・・。 (真っ青~)
シーツもマットレスも、ジ~ットリ。 (プルプル・・・)
んでまた、あのニオイときたら、キツイ。 むせる。
本当なら、その場ですぐ臭い消しのクリーナーを24時間営業のお店から買ってきてスプレーして、洗濯機に放り込みたかったんだけど、ブルースが「おれ、下で寝るから」(確かに、オシッコ・スポットは彼の側に集中してた。 ハハハ。)って言うから、下で洗濯機ゴロゴロやるわけにもいかない・・・。
クソネコ! も~、かわいくない! もう、しばらく絶対シカトしてやるんだから。