September 12, 2008 Entries

Sep 14, 2008 00:12

Everyone posted except for Kenn (but he has an entry on Sept. 13!!) ^_^. I have missed Minami's Sept. 11 entry for some reason but I'm too lazy to backtrack and translate it ;_; Sorry m(__)m.

Aiba Hiroki
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picture: Aiba rehearsing


Good evening, This is Aiba who is still at work.

The practice ended yesterday. Although saying something like "We have finished" would be more suitable.

Yesterday, the cast was inclined to a new tune and everyone felt oppappe [1].

This extreme situation was so much fun.

Today, after the recording, I will go to Artifata for treatment. Thank you very much ☆.

Recently, I meet person after person who say, "You've lost weight."

Ah, but I've been eating meat as if I'm about to die.

Tomorrow, I will be in the theater. Yay.

[1] I am not v. sure about its use in Aiba's post, but Oppappe is usually a shortened form of Ocean Pacific Peace, meaning comparing an event to the Pacific Ocean ^^;.

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picture: ...Minami's finger pointing to a logo on the wall

☆ Homework Announcement

Today is Amesuta School Day.

There is a homework system in Amesuta Gakuen.

Well, because it's a school.

Today, I have a homework as large as the ocean.

What is the thing that you are most worred about nowadays ☆.

That is all.

Well then,

See you at Amesuta (^_-)-☆ .


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picture: Shougo with a friend

The day after tomorrow is Niigata's opening day!

Good evening (^0^)/

Today, Kon-kun and I went to an interview for LOOK at STAR!

During the production and publication, the photos from Taiwan and South Korea performances will be placed there (^0^)/.
It is going to be sold on September 27 so please keep an eye out for it!
And then, this month there's Television HOMME to be released on September 19.
Please look out for it, too (^O^)/.

And today, I've arrived in Niigata!

Soon it'll be the opening day!!
Please look forward to it!
Wait for me (^0^)/.

Speaking of Niigata...
What are the delicious things here?

Well then,
Goodnight ~(-_-)zzz.

[t/n] Why thank you, Shougo, for making my job easier and announcing your own magazine appearances ^^;.

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picture: Some weird bear illustration

I know my dream and reality

Good evening, everyone ☆彡

The photo

Is Bear-san in a bakery.


Sorrow is hanging in the air.

I don't know exactly where.

But it has a sad atmosphere.

This Bear-san.

I like it.

That's why


In my blog

I made an entry.

To wish sincerely for

My and this Bear-san's

Increasing development.

Jaa (TωT)/~~~


*minami keisuke, translation: blog, *aiba hiroki, *sakamoto shougo, *sakurada doori

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