I actually did it. Finally. :D
Title: A Trip to Red Lobster!
Genre: Comedy/Fanfiction
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Riku/Sora
rofflesauce for
technicolorcageDisclaimer: Squeenix owns everything Kingdom Hearts. I wish I did.D:
I dun own Red Lobster or Hooters, either.
Summary: Sora and Riku get jobs at Red Lobster; but it's not to Riku's liking... D:
"Sora. Why did we get a job HERE again?" Riku asked, staring at the sign for Red Lobster. Sora scratched the back of his brown spikey hair, shrugging. Riku groaned; he hated the smell of crab....or lobster. Anything with a shell that was from the ocean, as a matter of fact. Sora dragged Riku inside, staring at who else...but Cid Highwind. Sora recently found out that Cid opened a Red Lobster in Traverse Town; and since Riku kept complaining they got jobs...Sora decided; why not?
"Hello and welcome to...oh. It's just you two. Whaddya want?" Cid asked, biting his toothpick. Sora smiled and handed him two job applications. Cid stared at the paper; then to Sora and Riku. He bursted out laughing and took a stamp of 'Approved' out. Sora clapped his hands while Riku felt like he might die. Working at a crab/lobster/shell place wasn't his idea of work. I could always get a job as a Reservation person at the Hooters Tifa opened in Radiant Garden... "Get in those costumes and hold some signs. Trust me; I'll pay ya good munny. Out of pity."
"Why not, Riku? Come on; it'll be fuuuun!"
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeee?" Sora begged, his big blue eyes blinking at him. His bottom lip trembled, often when he wanted something; or someone to do something FOR him. Riku looked away, peeking back at him. The older teen couldn't resist his best friend with benefits. There was no escaping the trap that Sora accidentally set for him anyway. They needed munny; and Cid was willing to give them munny. Riku groaned again; finally caving into the boy's desires. Sora smiled and dragged him by the hand, costumes in the other. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!"
"Yeah yeah. You owe me later."
"Okay! Now get in your costume, Rikuuuu~"
"Nah; it's okay."
"Do you still love me?"
"Of course."
"Whatever..." Riku grumbled blushing. He took his costume and got changed in a stall, Sora doing the same. They came out in...hermit crab costumes. Riku was already embarassed, and he wasn't even with other people. Sora seemed to enjoy himself; and that was all that mattered for the silver haired boy. The two walked out, getting signs from an almost dying Cid. Riku shot a death glare and went outside. Sora held the sign happily, a smile on his face; even when passerby made fun of him.
"When ya think about it; it's quite fun!"
"DON'T YELL AT ME YOUNG.......ohmygodwhatthehell."
"Don't say anything."
"Why do you have runon sentences?"
"Job at Red Lobster. You?"
"You're annoying. GET AWAY ANNOYING LADY!"
"Finefine." the runon sentence woman answered, dragging her two children away. Sora blinked and bonked Riku on the head with a crab claw, laughing like a little kid. Riku could already feel an annoyance AND the anger build up inside of him. This wasn't his kind of job; yet he was doing it anyway. Riku slapped Sora in the face with his soft claw, his teeth gritted.
"Don't. Patronize. Me."
"........can we go?! You can work and I can find a job at Hooters or somethin'."
"No! Stay with meeee!"
"What the heck?!" Leon asked, staring at the two. Riku's hands went into fists. First some annoying lady...then another annoying lady!? Oh wait; it was just Leon. It didn't really matter. Leon acted like an annoying woman. "Why are you..."
"It's for a Job!"
"You're so cruel!"
"Good point. See ya....CRABS~" Leon yelled, waving a hand. He dashed off, leaving Riku completely and utterly angry. Sora blinked and bursted out laughing, looking away from Riku. Riku turned his head, his eyes demanding a what is so funny. Sora shook his head, blushing and laughing. Tears were just about to roll down his cheeks when Riku grabbed him with his hermit crab claws, gritting his teeth.
"It's nothing! I swear! Just that you called Leon a woman..."
".....he is a woman."
"No he isn't."
"He looks and sounds like a woman; therefore, he's a woman."
"Okay, whatever Riku."
"I'm quitting this job. IT SUCKS AND I'M GETTING SO AGGRAVATED!" Riku hollered, running off. He took his five hundred munny check, getting out of the suit and putting his clothes back on. He passed Sora, still angry that he was even dragged into the job in the first place. "Stupid. Seafood."
"Geez; SOMEONE'S crabby!"