(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 20:42

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses1. Varied Interests - 85.7%
2. Sense of Humor - 85.7%
3. Adventurousness - 75%
4. Friendliness - 68.8%
5. Open-Mindedness - 63.6%
1. Appearance - 66.7%

Dating Strengths ExplainedVaried Interests - You don't limit yourself, and that's a dating asset. Your varied interests make you available and interesting to a wider range of guys.
Sense of Humor - Guys are attracted to people with a good sense of humor. Be sure to put yours on display!
Adventurousness - You are willing to try new things and be spontaneous. You want to get out there and really live, and you will attract people with a similar love of life.
Friendliness - Your friendliness makes you approachable and fun to be around. A wide circle of friends also works to your advantage on the dating scene.
Open-Mindedness - You are open to trying new things and entertaining new ideas, and this widens your pool of available guys.

Dating Weaknesses ExplainedAppearance - Devoting a greater effort at making good first impressions is a must. Try to be fit and develop a style if you want to catch a guy's attention.

Take This Dating Quiz

Your Love Element Is Fire

In love, you are a true listener and totally present.
For you, love is all about feeling more alive than you've ever felt.

You attract others with your joy and passion.
Your flirting style is defined by your strong ability to communicate.

Fun and play are the cornerstones of your love life.
And while your flame may burn too brightly, it's part of your appeal.

You connect best with: Wood

Avoid: Water

You and another Fire element: will likely burn out quickly
What Element Is Your Love?

Your Birthdate: August 25

You excel at anything difficult or high tech.
In other words, you're a total (brilliant) geek.
It's difficult for you to find people worth spending time with.
Which is probably why you'll take over the world with your evil robots!

Your strength: Your unfailing logic

Your weakness: Loving machines more than people

Your power color: Tan

Your power symbol: Pi

Your power month: July
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
HAHAHA!!! Yeah right!
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