All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Virginia
Middle name?:: Lynn
Like your name?:: yesh....sorta...but if I was a guy I'd be named Bobb! =O!
Named after anyone?:: Me dead Granmum
Any nicknames?:: Tons....x3
Age?:: Turning 19 in a couple days damnit!!!
Birthplace?:: Norwich
Time you were born?:: 9:45pm...EXACTLY! I'm a night babeh!! LOVE ME!!!! haha
Current location?:: Hell ^_^
Height?:: 5'6" ;__;
Like your height?:: Yes ^o^
Eye color?:: Green with red around the pupils...they change color
Contacts/glasses?:: GLASSES!!! Smexy glasses too!!
Hair color?:: right now it's like blackish drown
Natural hair color?:: Blond ^_^;;
Dye your hair often?:: Yeshum
Righty or lefty?:: Righty more then lefty..I use lefty more when doing Sign language...but I can use both....
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: Any...except most rap...
Band or singer?:: The Pink Spiders
TV show?:: House......He effin' ROCKS ASS!!!!
Movie?:: Fight Club
TV channel?:: Spike
Radio station?:: None x___X
Place to be?:: In my makes me happy ^_^
Thing to do?:: groping/fondeling boobs and penises! ^O^!!!!
Food?:: Chicken Ceaser wrap
Non alcoholic drink?:: Monster energy drink
Alcoholic drink?:: Redbull and vodka
Animal?:: PANDA!!! >:O!!!
Holiday?:: X-mas
Season?:: Fanter (fall turning into winter)
Sport?:: Hockey
Place to shop?:: Graffiti
Clothing brand?:: Tripp
Scent?:: Vanilla and cinnimon
Restaurant?:: Cafe Creme
Fruit?:: Watermellon
Vegetable?:: Sugar snap peas ?
Fast food restaurant?:: Wendys
Pizza topping?:: Cheese......thats it...
Ice cream flavor?:: Chunky Monkey
Magazine?:: Ren. Mag.
City?:: Vegas *humps the prettiness*
Color?:: Green? Blue? Silver? Black? Stuff? NEVER ANY PINK LIKE STUFF!! D:!!!
Number?:: 16
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Vanilla
Pepsi or coke?:: Pepsi
Hot or cold?:: Hot
Black or white?:: Black AND White
Dog or cat?:: Doggeh....but kitteh too T_T
French toast or pancakes?:: Pancakes.....cause it's one of meh Nicknames xO
French fries or onion rings?:: Onion rings
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hot dog ^_^ heh
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:: Sult and whore.......
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Neither
50 Cent or Eminem?:: EW! But I can tollerate Eminem more
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada
Hug or kiss?:: Kiss
Movies or TV?:: Movies
Truth or dare?:: Dare ^_~
Do you...
Shower daily?:: At least twice a day
Sing in the shower?:: Yeah haha
Like to sing?:: Of course ^_^
Like to dance?:: YESH!!!!!!!!
Smoke?:: I've been known to ....very rarely though...once in a blue there even a real blue moon????
Drink?:: Yesh heh
Cuss?:: All the time
Talk to yourself?:: Whenever I gt the chance...which is always.....
Believe in yourself?:: Sure ...why not
Play an instrument?:: Used to.
Go to school?:: *gnaws on school*
Go to college?:: Yesh *hearts*
Have a job?:: Noes...
Like your job?:: Yes hahaha
Want to get married?:: Someday ..... yes
Want to have kids?:: Sure....when I can support them enough to have them
Get along with your parents?:: fact I was recently DISOWNED by me Da!!!!
Get along with your siblings?:: Sorta....he's cool I guess.
Drive?:: Yeah I drive....gettin' a effin' new car too!!!!
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Yup
Think your funny?:: So I'm told o_O
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: YEAH!
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Don't think I have.....
What are your parents names?:: What parents? I have none...........
Siblings names?:: A-ron
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Yeah......I freakin' sanitize my hands so much each day that it isn't even funny...
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 3 tims....gotta keep meh piercing clean...
Collect anything?:: Old Ginny dolls.....worth lots of money now ^_^
Ever been in love?:: Yesh
In love right now?:: I am completely in love right now.
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Black and green bondage pants.....
How does your hair look?:: Up in a messy bun with 'emo' bangs
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Yesh ;__;
Ever broken the law?:: Yeah.....setting fire to houses that are in the process of being built is illegal...I found that out
Been arrested?:: Noes
Been out of the country?:: Yesh
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: YUP! Damn proud of it too!!!!!
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Never got drunk....I do drink, I will be drunk on my 19th b-day though
Do you do drugs?:: Sorta........ *coughs*
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: *thinks* 3 days ago ^_^;;
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: Off.....
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Nope
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Briefs...."real men wear briefs" XD!!!
Do you like to laugh?:: Oh yes!!! I love whoever can make me laugh...which isn't a hard thing to do heh
Ever had a bloody nose?:: Yeah....In 5th and 6th grade I would have to go to the nurse during a test or something cause the stress would give me a nose bleed haha
Have you ever caught a fish?:: YESH! I love fishing....
What was the last thing you ate?:: Rice...
What time do you go to bed?:: Whenever I want to...or when I get too tired heh
What's your favorite color?:: Green? Blue? Silver? Black?
Do you like to give or recieve?:: I do both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Everyone I love....and meh new car!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you live alone?:: Noes .___.;;
Do you own a blender?:: Yeah haha
Do you like the snow?:: SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! *humps snow*
Ever been up a mountain?:: Yeah....I lived in Connecticut...thats like a big mountain in itself haha
Ever been rootin'?:: Uh....Maybe? O_o?
Do you like surprises?:: YESH!!!!!
A "Slighlty" different survey
Who Cares?
Hello, I love you. won't you tell me your name: Virginia....and I love you too, in a very platonic way, which would suggect we are just friends and I plan on it staying that way.
Age?: 19 in a few days
No one cares, let us move on.
What's the last thing you do before you go to bed?: Uh....snuggle against my pillow?
Watcha wearin?: Stuffs...
Got Pockets? Whats in them?: My hand....
If you didnt have a computer, what would you be doing right now?: Cleaning my car out...
It's Peanut Butter Jellly time....yeah?: Uh...I LOVE THAT SONG!!!
What were you thinking about before you started taking this lame thing?: What people were doing
Are you doing anything besides taking this survey?: Yeah
if [yes] then What?: Clean my car out o_O
I love him/her.: I love him/her too......o_o;;
Who did you just think about?: Dan then I thought about "Thats an odd thing to have as a question..."
Let me be your psychiatrist...
How are you feeling right now?: Gewd >:D
How does it make you feel when I do this.....?!: YOUR HANDS DON'T GO THERE!!!! I feel violated now =O!
I'm sorry, dont cry!: *single emo tear falls down* Whos crying?
Please dont tell your parents!: Like they'd care?
How was your day?: Interesting...mmm bluuuud x3
Anything out of the ordinary happen?: Yeah...I bit someone so hard their arm bled
That kid that you hate talked to you again, didnt he?: Yeah...actually...I was gonna stab him with a spork
Can you say, Brainwashing?
You watch TV?: Only CSI...and House
how often?: Rarely unless it is the above mentioned shows..
Favorite show to watch?: As I already said CSI...and House
Favorite actor and actress: John Travolta!!
no one cares, why am I asking?: Cause you like being stupid? I don't like stupid people...
D you have your own TV in your bedroom?: You spelt DO forgot the 'O'...and yes in fact I DO
person you IMed. Whats it say?: It was Dan...and you don't get to know what was said...
IM...whats it say, who's it from: You're annoying me stupid person....leave your petty questions for other stupid people...
Who did you comment last?: Uh.....the boob molester I think
Who commented YOU last?: Molester of Boobs
Do you even like them at all? probably not.: He's a freshman.....I kick his leg everyday...and it's fun...
last person you talked to in person: Alan and Sugarhead
last person you talked to on the phone: Krista and Anna
last person who sent you a text message, whats it say: Uh.....none
Who'd you send a text to last, what'd it say?: Nooooooooooooooooooooone
Shush, Im not nosy!: I'm you enjoy people wanting to stab you??
So, Anyway....
get any hugs today?: Yesh
Anyone give you money?: Yesh...I was given a Nickle that I named Phillip
you give anyone money?: Noes
Myspace is being a bitch to me. How about you?: HAHA!!! deserve it....
Are guys that wear eyeliner hott?: Yeah.....well not exactly hott but I like the whole eyeliner's shineh
What about people that wear ties, not for business but just for fashion?: Yeah...I like the tie thing too...ish also shineh
Speaking of fashion, are you a Fashion hound, a trend whore?: Uh.......I could care less
....conformists, what are you gonna do with 'em?: Shover them all in a small room and play eally loud sounds of cats howling, cars crashing, chalk broads being scratched on and so forth of other annoying things
Hypocritical conformists are the greatest, arent they?: I'm a nonconformist thank you very much....So you can just SHOVE IT! ^_^
....Prada?: No idea what even is....I think o_O
ick, yeah?: What?!?!?!
How's school/work?: Uh......peachy..
What would you like to ban?: Stupid people such as you ^o^
Who annoys you more than anyone?: STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!
Have any bad habits?: I procrastinate....
Obsessions?: Yeah....
Got a favorite quote?: Of course I do...why do you ask?
whats on your wrist right now?: My skin....
How late do you generally stay up until?: Whenever I want
Do you stalk any local bands?: Yeah...sorta...I support alot of them so...
are you a rebel?: I'd like to think so...but then again...I hate saying such things.
Liar!: At times, when it fits to help me get further in life.....but in general...noes, cause lying can cause major issues...
Do you know who Abe Lincoln is?: Yeah......... How about Ryan White?: Should I care?
Thoughts on Jesus?: AHHHHHHHH!!!! Shut up already!!! o_o;;
Alphabet soup.: It's good -___-
True or false: the person who made this is a freak: False....they are an annoying and extremely stupid person!!!!