[Section 1 - Basics]
Age: 18 Mutha Fuckas!
Gender: FE to the mother fuckin' MALE Bitches!
Height: 5'7"
Weight: For me to know and for everyone else to never know XD
Ring size: 12 or 13...not too sure...I have weird hands...
Pants size: *shrugs*
Shirt size: Whatever is comfortable?
Shoe size: 9's I think
Piercings: Two in each ear and my right eyebrow
Tatoos: 4...maybe 5?
Hair color: Like a redish purple right now...
Hair length: Mid back
Eye color: It's cool...green on the outside and red around the pupil
Zodiac sign: Virgo XD
Chinese zodiac sign: Rabbit ^_^
Body type/size: Um...me?
Birthday: August 25th, 1987
Birthplace: Born in New London, CT...lived in Norwich, CT
Place now: P.S.L, FL.....HELL!
Race/ethnicity: Uhh.....white?Tan? Cream? I'm German damnit!
School and grade/year: Uh.....Senior and college student?
Natural hair color: Blond
GPA: 3.712 o__o;; yeah...I finally found out...I feel stupid xD
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Anything fun XDD
I.Q.: I think....123 last time I checked...I don't know if thats high or anything.....
Do you excercise: Uh.....Yea?
Are you healthy: Yup
Fun?: Oh hell yes
Serious?: Rarely
Sarcastic?: At times
Funny?: Hehe yes
Cute?: I have dimples...I think I am haha
Pretty?: Hardly in my books haha
Good-looking?: Decent yes
Beautiful?: I don't think so
Optimistic?: Very ^_^
Smart?: Sorta
Oppinionated?: Extremely
Outgoing?: Ooooooh yes
Shy?: At times
Unique?: I'd say so muwahahaha!!!
Sweet?: Oh so sweet
Hyper?: Very much so XD
Talkative?: Yup
Creative?: Uhhh...sorta?
Imaginative?: Very
Gloomy?: Nooooo
Depressed?: Once in a while
Silly?: hehe
Loud?: XD
Quiet?: >_< Rarely
Dependant?: NOT
Loyal?: Of course
Truthful?: Sometimes....
Clever?: Meh
Confident?: Yup
Annoying?: no
Artistic?: at times
Musical?: It depends
Poetic?: Very
Charming?: When I wanna be
Wise?: For my age yes
Special?: Durrrr
Magickal?: *sings* thiiiiiiis is the niiiiiiight whaty a beauuuuutiful niiiiight!!!
Sensitive?: Meh...not really
Lustful?: Oh very....*lusts after Chibi* ^_^'
Sexy?: Oh please..
Horny?: Very haha
Loving?: Extremely
Lazy?: Uhhhhh.....
Stylish?: Not
Normal?: NEVAH!!!!!
Psycho?: Muwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goofy?: Yesh
Brave?: When I feel like it
[Section 2 - This or that about you]
Righty/lefty/either: Righty
Glasses/contacts/none: Sexeh old school tortoise shell 50's teacher style glasses XDD
Punk/goth/prep/thug/??: Punky, gothic, rebel, misfit.....etc....I'm a little of everything...yes...I even have a bit of prep and thug sadly...
Innie/outie: Innie
Tan/pale/average/??: Between pale and tan.....but not average
Freckles/none: None T___T
[Section 3 - Family]
Mom's name: Winnie
Dad's name: Fred
Siblings/their names/their ages: A-rock..24
Dead family members: Yes......Nicki..I miss her so T___T
Do you live with your siblings?: My sibling lives with me
Parents married/divorced/neither?: Divorced when I was like 4 or 5
Parents together/separated/dating/none?: Mum is dating Kelly....Da is dating some women...
Do you have any stepparents?: No.....hopefully none soon either
Ex-stepparents?: Yesh!! Fat ass Norman!
Do you have any children of your own?: Nope
If so, what are their names and ages? If not, do you want any?: I want kids eventually.....
[Section 4 - Favorites]
Color: Black, Green, Blue, Silver
Food: *shrugs*
Drink: Cream Soda
Candy: Skittles....taste the rainbow...
Flavor: Vanilla
Movie: Evita T__T
Band: Voltaire
Show: Ghost Whisperer….or CSI
Game: Aggravation
Element: Fire!!!!!!
Music type: *shrugs*
Actor: John Travolta
Actress: Um….Sharron Stone?
Month: Hm…too many to choose from
Season: Winter….not in FL
Holiday: Halloween
Shampoo/conditioner: Anything that works….
Song: Pump It by Black Eyed Peas
Number: 16
Phrase: “Look! I found something shiny!!!”
Magazine: Nothing
Restaurant: Café Crème
Sport: HOCKEY!!!!!!!!
Animal: Wolfies…..PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Language: German *twitches*
Girl's name: Uhh…O.o
Boy's name: I don’t know
Flower: Dragon Lilly
Country: Anything other then where I am now…..and where there’s a war
Weather: Rainy….thunder and lightening
Person: Chibi XD
[Section 5 - Sex]
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Are you a virgin?: Nope ^_^
Do you like to have sex?: Uh huh
Do you like to have oral sex?: Yeah…..depends on how I feel though
Do you like to have anal sex?: NO!!!!!!! EW!
Do you like to give more or get more?: I like giving and recieving
Do you usually give more or get more?: Get more alas
Does size matter?: Well……..I kinda sucks if it’s too small…..
Do you like to kiss?: Heck yes!
French kiss?: Oooooh yes….feels gewd
Make out?: Hehehe…..movie theaters are the best though
Favorite position: Not gonna say that right now XD
Are you more dominant?: Sorta…
Or more submissive?: Depends on what’s going on
Are you more sadistic?: XD
Or more masochistic?: Hahaha!
Do you like to use toys?: Eh…
Cuffs?: Yes!
Bondage?: Muwahahah!
Wax?: No….
Clothes pins/ clamps?: Ouch….
Chains?: XD
Gags?: No….I like hearing the sounds the other person makes ^_~
Collars?: Hell yes!
Leashes?: Maaaaaaaaaybeh
Whips?: Eh…
Paddles?: No….
Other things?: *shrugs*
Do you look at porn?: Not really….doesn’t do anything for me
Do you masturbate?: Yes! Who rarely doesn’t XD
[Section 6 - Friends]
Would you consider yourself a good friend? Yup
Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few good friends?: A few good friends
Who is your best friend?: All of my friends…..
Do you have a lot of friends?: Yes….like 40 something
How many good friends would you say you had?: 15…
Are you a good friend?: You asked this already….yes…
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?: Yup
Has anyone ever told you that you were a bad friend?: No
Do you tend to be more outgoing or shy?: Outgoing
Do you consider yourself to be better than your friends?: Heck no
Do you consider you and your friends to be better than everyone else?: Nope
Do you think your friends ever get tired of you?: Yes haha
Do you ever get tired of your friends?: No….well only one…
Do you like to make new friends?: Yesh!
Do you talk a lot?: Oh yes I do haha
Are you nervous when you talk to people?: Nope
Do you ever say your someone's friend just to make them feel good?: No…but if it works then sure XD
Do you ever lie about who your friends are?: Nope
Do you ever play people as friends to make yourself look good?: No hahaha
[Section 7 - Love]
Do you believe in love?: *sighs* Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Depends….
What is love?: love
1. A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
2. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
a. Sexual passion.
b. Sexual intercourse.
c. A love affair.
4. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.
5. A person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction; beloved. Often used as a term of endearment.
6. An expression of one's affectionXD
Have you ever been love?: Yes haha
Are you now?: *swoons* Yes
Have you ever told someone you loved them?: Yuppers
If so, were you telling the truth? If not, would you? I always mean it when I say “I love you” to someone…..it’s always the truth
Are you married/divorced/neither?: Neither
Are you with someone/single/dating/none?: With someone/dating ^_^’
Do you believe in soul mates?: Sorta…..
Could you ever fall in love with someone of a different religion?: Hahaha!!! How ironic is this question! Yes…I have and I am
Different ethnicity?: Yup
Same gender?: Uh huh
Different political views?: That shouldn’t count but ok….
Do you love certain material possessions?: Yeah haha
Certain hobbies?: Meh…
Your friends?: YESH!
Your family?: No….
Yourself?: I’m not vain you know………..I actually hate myself…
Do you have a crush?: *blushes* More then that…
Do you date people just because of how they look?: Hell no!
Do you care how people look?: Not really……..
Would you date someone who was sweet even if they weren't good-looking?: Hell yes!
Would you date someone hot even if they were assholes?: NO!!
Would you date someone who was nice to you but asshole to others?: Never……
Would you date someone for their money? Nope
Would you use someone?: No…..I was used once…and the feeling sucked….
Have you used someone?: No
Have you dated someone just for their money?: No
Have you ever dated someone who was sweet but weren't good-looking? Yes
Have you ever dated someone who was hot even though they were an asshole?: No
Have you ever dated someone who was nice to you but an asshole to others?: Yea…..
Would you ever date someone because you were desperate?: Not ever again…
Have you?: Yes
Would you ever date someone for sexual reasons?: Haha!!
Have you?: Once
Would you ever have an internet bf/gf?: Started that way….
Have you?: Yea haha
[Section 8 - Politics and such]
Are you a democrat?: No….
Or a republican?: No….
Or independent?: YES!
How do you feel about abortion?: It the women’s choice not mine….
Gay marriage?: Heck yes! Should be allowed everywhere!
Smoking?: Sure….why not…
Marijuana?: Yea…I guess so..
Drugs?: Umm..
Illegal immigrants?: XDD
Premarital sex?: Umm..*coughs*
Porn?: Hahaha!! Some guys need it
Alcohol?: Yesh!
Racism?: NO!!!!!
Whores/prostitution?: Haha!
Cloning?: Yes…as long as I’m not cloned
Suicide?: No…even if I have tried it before…
Death penalty?: Um…I think so
Religion in government?: Meh
Our president?: AHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!! That retard?!?!
Downloading music?: Yesh
Burning CDs?: Yup
Welfare?: Yeah
Animal testing?: NO!
Gambling?: Sure…to an extent
School uniforms?: ICK!
One nation, under God?: Um….
[Section 9 - Religious beliefs]
What religion do you practice?: Supposed to be Lutheran….
Have you ever practiced a religion besides the one you practice now?: Yup
Has someone ever tried to force you into believing certain things?: Yeah
Has someone ever tried to force you to practice another religion?: No
Do you go/have you been to religious gatherings?: Sadly yes
What religion are your parents?: Lutheran(Mum) and Catholic (Da)
Do your parents care if you practice the same religion as them or not?: Nope
Do they know what religion you practice?: Yup
Are you open about your beliefs?: Hell yes! Agnostic here we go!
Have you ever lied about your religious beliefs to look cool?: No
Do you believe a superior being exists/ existed and created life?: Uh…Agnostic here…
One God?: Agnostic…
Many Gods?: Again…agnostic
Does God(s) have a gender?: *twitches*
Male/female/neither?: Rawr!
No God?: AGNOSTIC!!!
Heaven/Hell?: Just be quiet…
Jesus?: Grrr
Angels/demons?: Blarg..
Spirits?: Uhh
Ghosts?: Hell yes!
Reincarnation?: Maybe?
The trinity?: ARGH!
Miracles?: Sorta?
Aliens?: YES! They exist!
Magick?: O.O
Witchcraft?: XD
Tarot?: Heck yes! I have it myself ^_^
Psychics?: Meh
Vampires/werewolves/other?: AHAHA!!
Prayer?: Not!
Rituals?: Heh
Love?: Yes
Fate?: Yup
Predestination?: Uh…maybe?
Horoscopes?: Yesh
Astrology?: Yup
Superstitions?: Yes
Luck?: uh huh
Telepathy?: Too
Energies?: Many
Familiars?: Damn
Sacred animals?: Religion
Animals are superior, inferior or equal to humans?: QUESTIONS!
Initiation ceremonies?: Heh…yeah
Night and day differ for a religious reason?: Huh?
Ethnicity making someone superior/inferior to others?: Huuuuh?
Does your religion forbid anything?: Noooooo
Do you dress certain ways to express your religion?: Nope
Do other people assume what religion you practice by what you wear?: Yeah haha
Are humans/animals naturally good/evil/neutral/depends?: Depends?
Do you meditate/fast/chant/other?: I tried meditating once XD
Do you believe/agree with everything about your religion?: Yup…wait…which one?
Do you believe you're right and no one else’s religion matters?: No
Do you ever doubt your religion or religious beliefs?: Nope…which one though?
Do you believe in yourself?: Sure why not
Are you open to other religions?: Yea
Do you feel superior to people who don't believe the same things as you?: No….
Do you think everyone should practice your religion?: No…
Do you even believe in anything?: Not really…that’s why I’m Agnostic
Are you interested in learning about other religions?: Sure why not again
[Section 10 - Animals]
Do you have any pets?: Yup
If so what are they? If not, do you want any?: Puinea Gig…Demon kitteh and two dogs
What kind of pet would you like to have?: Ferret
What is your favorite color on animals?: Black and white
Do you believe people should keep pets?: Only if they want to
Should all animals be free?: Umm…they would die though…..
Do you enjoy animals?: Yup
Do you like taking care of animals?: Yeah
Do your animals keep you company?: Yup
Do you kill animals?: NO! T__T
Do you hunt?: Hate it
Do you hate animals?: Heck no!
Do you think animals have feelings?: Sure…
Do you like small/big/all/no animals?: Hate small yippy little dogs that you just wanna kick in the head
Do you think animals are treated poorly?: Sometimes
Do you wish you could change the way people act towards animals?: Yeah
[Section 11 - This or that]
Big/small: Big
Cat/dog: I like both though….
Black/white: How ‘bout…Black AND White
Coffee/tea: Coffee!!!
Pepsi/coke: Pepsi
Soda/other: Other
Wine/beer: Wine
Pulp/none: Doesn’t matter
Scary/comedy: Comedy….
Books/magazines: Books
Noise/silence: Noise
Winter/summer: Winter
Autumn/spring: Autumn
Summer/spring: Spring
Winter/autumn: Autumn
Night/day: NIGHT!
Hugs/kisses: Kisses ^_^
Life/death: Death
TV/movie: Movie
TV/book: Book
Fruits/vegetables: Fruits
Meat/vegetables: Veggies
Cigarettes/alcohol: Alcohol
Cold/hot: Cold…so someone can warm me back up XD
Normal/different: Different
Male/female: Male and Female XDD
School/none: None?
Red/blue: Blue
Smart/fun: Both XD
Love/hate: Love
Salt/sugar: Sugar
Chocolate/vanilla: Vanilla
Evil/good: Evil
Clean/dirty: Clean
Angel/demon: Demon
Sunrise/sunset: Both are pretty
Punk/Goth: Both?
Punk/prep: Punk
Goth/prep: Goth
Truth/lies: Truth
Citrus/tasteless: Citrus
Cake/cookies: Cookies
Sun/moon: Moon
Rain/snow: Snow….and rain
Piercing/none: Piercing
Short/long hair: Long hair
Brand name/couldn't care less: Couldn’t care less
Pool/ocean: Ocean
Pen/pencil: Pencil
Sports/none: None
Wet/dry: Wet XD
Bath/shower: Shower heh
Fireworks/glow sticks: Glow sticks…but fireworks are fun to watch
Lick/bite: Bites more then licks ^_~
Naked/clothed: Naked XD
Internet/phone: Both
[Section 12 - Education]
Do you go to school?: Yea
Have you gone to school?: Yes
What's your level of education?: Senior…some college..
Do you like school?: No
Learning?: hardly
Have you ever been home schooled?: Nope
Would you rather be home schooled?: yes
Would you rather go to public or private school?: Public
Have you ever skipped school?: yes…lots
Faked sickness to get out of school?: Yup
Been suspended?: No……
Expelled?: Nope
In detention?: Yea hahaha lots
What's your favorite subject?: Tardy tank for 6th hour XDD
Least favorite?: 1st hour…..Mrs. Williams
Your schedule, block/periods/neither?: Periods…
What are your grades generally like?: XD
Do you have many classes with your friends?: Yup
What classes do you want to take?: None haha
[Section 13 - What makes you]
Happy?: Sporks
Sad?: Lack of Chibi or sporks
Laugh?: Ashley XD
Sing?: Driving in my car
Horny?: When someone bites me or puts their hand on my inner thigh XD
Scared?: Mickey Mouse
Look good?: My spike collar?
Feel good?: My bondage pants?
Feel bad?: Dresses *hisses*
Cry?: Lots of things
Jealous?: Nothing haha
Envious?: Nothing as of now
Scream?: Being poked?
Angry?: Stupid people
Smile?: My friends
Blush?: Certain comments
Sleepy?: Cleaning too much
Excited?: Driving to see Chibi
Nervous?: Performing on stage
Hungry?: Babies XDD
Thirsty?: Pools
Feel lonely?: Looking at the pictures of the one I love
Sick?: Stress
Mean?: RJ *twitches*
Want a hug?: My friends
Want a kiss?: *whistles*
Bored?: Lack of people to talk to
Crazy?: Sugar
Feel strong?: My little cousin haha
Feel important?: Again…my little cousin
Quit?: Huh?
[Section 14 - 1-10 Rating, How important is/are]
Friends: 10
Family: 0
Music: 9
Love: 10000000000000000000
Happiness: 9
People: 7
Silence: 1
Animals: 9
Education: 3
Religion: 0
Life: 8
Medication: 2
Food: 1
Sleep: 2
Health: 6
Wealth: 0
Nature: 10
Shopping: 8
Fun: 1000
Water: 10
Sex: 100000000000000000000000000000000
Clothes: 5
Alcohol: 7
Cigarettes: 0
Computer: 10
Phone: 9
[Section 15 - Have you ever]
Went skinny dipping?: Yup
Done drugs?: ………….heh
Drank alcohol?: Yeah haha
Played strip poker?: Yup
Climbed a tree?: Lots of times
Fallen from a tree?: Heh
Bungee jumped?: Nope
Been to Disneyland/world?: yesh!
Been stung by a bee?: Haha yeah
Pierced yourself?: Yup
Sky dived?: No
Rolled your tongue?: Yup
Made a clover with it? Nope
Skiied?: Yesh
Run into a wall?: ALL THE TIME!!!!
Been on an airplane?: Always since I was 5
On a train?: Yup
Fainted?: Haha yea
Thrown up on purpose?: Mmmmhm
Eaten an insect?: Ick…but yes
For no reason?: Umm….no
[Section 16 - Misc.]
What color are your socks today?: None
Is that your monkey over there sneezing?: Why yes it is…..isn’t it a lovely monkey?
Do you own a spotted umbrella?: Actually…yes
Do you like sporks?: OMGWTFHSYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about chopsticks?: AHHHHHHHHH! YESH!!!!!
How many fingers do you have?: On which hand? XDD I have a total of ten haha
Do you have any stitches?: No….*coughs*….Not any that are gonna be able to be seen at least
If you could be anything/anyone you wanted, what/who would you be?: No one
Is your mushroom broken?: I think so….*grabs a needle* “Quick Nurse! We must save it before….” *mushroom flat lines* “NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!”
Are you a fairy?: HA! Gay fairy or the one with wings? Cause I’m half fairy *holds up rainbow*
Do you abuse/starve your sims?: Yes…when I’m bored…
How many candles do you own?: Over 35
Do you wear scarves?: I own one….
Would you care if I licked your face like a cow?: Heck no! Go right ahead XD
Are the bunnies pink?: NO! They are most certainly not! They are Purple!!
What about the hamsters, what color are they? They are Blue
Green?: SWEET!
What do you think about make-up?: It’s tasty?
Random word that starts with Q: Quasar!
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: ……The Bermuda Triangle XD
Do you like to be naked?: Oh heck yes!
All your base _________: Belong to me!!! (this reminds me of something….)
My life has never been a bed a roses: This ways better for me, I don’t care to live the life I’ve chosen anyway (this is whole quote from MSI XD)
Munchy munchy have a taco for: Bobb?
Yes that comes in: From the back then moves to the front hahaha
I got: It to finally go in!!!
Baby, life is like a ride on a: Freeway!......This is a song called Staring At The Sun by Offspring
What is life?: Life is pie….pie and pickles…..that is all……..