My journals are very boring now...can anyone help me with this?
I don't see the point in porn, it's funny to me.......though me, morgan and sarah want to make a porn together.........I wonder who'd buy it if we did.........we have one kid who says he would......see I don't get the point of seems funny to me...I watch it and laugh....nothing about it is a I truely don't get it.
I mean.......You would think I'd like it cause of the way I act alot of times....but is slightly disturbing to me...........I had found some porn mags. that my bro had and looked through them....and I tried to figure it all out.....why people could like this stuff....I think I remember thinking at one point "So....guys like watching whores have unprotected sex with alot of guys.....?" Then I tried to figure out why guys would want to watch other guys having sex with girls when they could be doing it themselves.
Now don't get me wrong...some people may need porn to get up o__o;;....but WHY would they watch another guy doing it? Why not watch two girls? It doesn't make sense to me....
And WHY do they call it belly button lint? It really isn't lint....though it's from your belly theres a great thing, The belly button...I've come to like the belly button alot...I play with everyones..I poke them. Strange? Not really to me...I mean if I have to explain to another 5 yr old that the "Lint Fairy" is the cause of that stuff as the 5 yr old sitcks their finger in their belly button again I'm going to scream!
I realize this is long but it's making up for my lack of true writing, though this isn't the best I could do haha.
On a better note,I got a job working with kids....and it effin' rocks!!!
~*~Lick'em Stick'em Lollipop Panda~*~