Ok so it was the power source. The continuing saga of having the new improved computer built (I swear if I ever do this again I will have four of our IT friends standing around ready to jump in at a moment's notice or at least sitting around pounding drums) - {ya I know I have wacky ideas at times!} - but the new motherboard is in along with the
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Last night around 11 I was moving the containers around to shift the box of boxes back into the cubby hole we call storage in the basement...and I found my missing gloves and the last present I hid for hubby
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I was helping out someone hunt down some plain paper for a printer and she said "why doesn't he clean up" indicating the facilities guy who is supposed to go around and hunt down stuff to do instead of sitting at his desk playing on his iphone obviously didn't do his job...again
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We got up late due to coldness and us well being lazy, I got mushroom, scallion and cheese omelette cooked by hubby, now if I could only get him to do more cooking the rest of the year that would be grand
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Tonight will be a night cuddling up with a bundle of hubby. Had to call and cancel on travel plans as the sick hubby took rank over out and about for the NYE
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I covet snowmen....they have exploded at a serious rate in my bathroom...must be the heat! Right now under my desk is snowman # 30 for the bathroom. So today in Duane Reade there was this snowman door hangie, a soft one that would be PERFECT hanging from the bathroom curtain...it is going to look so neat AND it has bells
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The one day dash of holiday shopping went off without a hitch...well one meltdown by me as I was trying to get around a bunch of people standing in the middle of an aisle at Broadway mall. I snarled they jumped and moved and I didn't feel too bad. After all the day of us spending it dashing in an orderly fashion I did my homework! We got dinner out
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