13-17 January 2010 |
London Art Fair | Modern British & Contemporary Art
Не такая масштабная и интернециональная, как Frieze art fair, но тем не менее. Судите сами. Слайдшоу.
Jonathan Burton, director of London Art Fair: “It’s been a tough year for galleries. There is a general agreement that prices across the international contemporary art market have fallen by 30-40% in the past year, Certain artists have held prices but in a broad sense, the contemporary art market has fallen.” Burton expects art sales in 2010 to be better than last year, just steady and slow compared to 2007. Buying art will be a more considered action, rather than a flurry of excitement - and this, Burton says, is a good thing.
Отсюда. Photo by Arina Orlova, © artwork authors.