I've seen to 4.4 therefore spoilers to there.
Some of these are quite mad- I'm not sure which ones. Enjoy.
- Kara Thrace is, in fact, the first of the Cylon-Human hybrid babies. Her Momma shagged a Cylon, then found out he was a Cylon, and that is why she treated Kara the way she did. Kara's Daddy turns out to be Tom Zarek, who is the Final Cylon.
- The metalheads destroy all the skin jobs and decide they can't be arsed with the humans and go off in the other direction. With the Cylons gone the humans only have themselves to contend with- won't that be fun. Alt, the metalheads don't think they will ever be secure with the humans existing and so wipe them all out, seek Earth, and destroys all the humans there too. The colonial fleet cause the extinction of the entire species. Go them!
- Lee Adama will one day be President of the COlonies once Roslin shuffles off. He believes Kara and they take the fleet to Earth, marry and have babies. All seems happy- then they meet chicken pox, have no immunity and die. Lol.
- An unknown and unavoidable side effect of FLT drives/travel is the mind altering vibes that it gives out. This is why they keep having visions and why the longer they're on the ships the worse they get. As a result there is no destiny just their madness.
- Depending on which crossover you prefer the guy behind all this madness is either Q (who finds the whole thing fracking funny) or a rogue group of Ascended Ancients (another one? really?) or The Master (who did it just to frack with the Docs precious humans after he let him get killed on the Valiant).
- They're all Cylons! OMGNW! LOL!
- When they get to Earth they find that we have wiped ourselves out and made the planet uninhabitable. It's a down ending, yes, but a powerful one that speaks to our propensity to self destruction.
- The Colonial Fleet is in fact the 13th Colony fleet. Earth is not yet inhabited. They don't have the resources for space travel and so end up Earth locked and the technology gets forgotten. This is why we don't currently have their level of technology.
- Kara does find Earth but their ship crashed and the FTL Drive explodes plunging the planet into nuclear winters and superstorms and destrablises the crust leading to more earthquakes and volcanos etc. All the Earthlings die. Meanwhile tyrantRoslin leads the fleet completely off track and then dies. The Colonial Fleet wanders forever.
- Colonial One explodes (sabotaged by Tyrol) while Adama and Roslin are attending a meeting with the Quarum. Tory ends up President while Saul becomes head of the military. The Cylons, therefore, win.
- Either Dualla or Gaeta are the Final Cylon (I prefer Dualla for this)- and they know what they are. They've been feeding back information to the Programmer the whole time. The Programmer, however, has not and will not keep the Cylon fleet apprised as this would mess up the Game/it's entertainment.
- To the strains of "All We Need Is Love" the skinjobs are welcomed into the fleet once the One True God-ders gain majority. In the end they are all one peoples. The metalheads are decommissioned and left floating in space.
- There are actually thirteen models and the 13th is already on Earth preparing for the arrival of the colonial and Cylon fleets. The 13th model is Jesus Christ. I end up screaming at the shows blatant Christian propaganda bs. XD
What do you think?