Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Fan Mix and Cover Art by Ryuu**********
Title: That Which We Call A Rose
ryuutchiVerse: DCU, but feel free to mix and match your favourites
Pairing(s): Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne/Superman, Superman/Batman, Batman/Clark Kent *g*
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Apparently Big Bang fics can involve long, complicated plots? This fic... Is not that fic. Explicit sex, no spoilers.
Summary: The course of true love never did run smooth. When Clark Kent met Bruce Wayne. And Bruce Wayne met Superman. And Superman met Batman. And Batman met Clark Kent. And Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne finally got their acts together...
Author's Notes: My mad skillz with time management being what they are, I wound up writing this on this year's Classics field trip. Those of you who relish a challenge, try writing porn on a crowded jumbo jet, long haul, and thenceforth surrounded eighteen hours a day by zealous students, thirsting for knowledge. I managed to switch seats to get away from the kids, Bangkok to Athens, but that put me in the middle seat, *cringe*, and I can only hope that the screen angle and cabin glare kept the bulk of what I was doing from the prying eyes of my over-friendly neighbours. Another week sitting up till the wee small hours in numerous hotel bars... Adrenaline, good for the soul. And the word count. ;-p