Title: Cracked Friendship Prompt: Wild Card (I went with Abandoned) Fandom: Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Pairings: None Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Saban's, I believe.
This makes so much sense. I hate to see it, but at the same time I love Billy's final call reaching out, and the fact that Kim comes *immediately*. It's proof that they haven't lost each other completely, even if they don't get it yet.
It's beautiful and sad, and so very real. Well done. ♥
Thanks! I always loved Billy and Kim in a friendship way. They're so different, but they seem to have this connection regardless that I think increased when the others left. I like to think that all five eventually all get back together and visit Billy on Aquitar and go to each others weddings and are happy! They're just... still getting there.
Comments 2
It's beautiful and sad, and so very real. Well done. ♥
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