Some of you are familiar with
ⓑⓤⓑⓑⓛⓔⓣⓔⓧⓣ.ⓞⓡⓖ (I’ve
discussed it here before). You type plaintext into a input box, and it converts all of the letters into
Unicode circled characters which you can then copy and paste into LJ, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, or just about any other site where you post or comment. The problem, however, is that that
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Here’s a list of all of the special codes (so far), broken into separate comments so that each can be discussed/expanded upon separately if need be. The :smile: code works in almost all of the text conversion algorhytms (although not always with the same result); there”s only one Unicode :frown: (U+2639) character, though. In the Faux Cyrillic converter, as mentioned above, :cccp: returns U+262d, the “Hammer and Sickle” character. Except as stated below, there are (as yet) no other secrets to the rest of the conversion algorhythms; they are strictly “what you see is what you get” with one-for-one conversion of characters (primarily letters). Some of the algorhythms are case-sensitive, others treat upper- and lower-case letters as the same. I may add another checkbox or two to the Combining Diacritic converter.
The Bubble Text converter has several codes for two-digit numbers and white-on-black numbers. Normally, the digits “0” through “9” are replaced with “⓪” through “⑨”, so “42” would be replaced with “④②”. However, if you enclose any two-digit number from 10 through 50 within colons, like :42: , the Bubble Text converter will return “㊷” in a single bubble. Any number from zero through twenty, if enclosed in colons with a leading zero - :00: through :020: - will return that number in a white-on-black bubble - “⓿” through “⓴”. (Note that the white on black zero is not displayed by all fonts. The white on black numbers are supposed to symbolize negative numbers while the black on white numbers are positive. “Negative zero” (U+24ff) is apparently not a concept every font can handle.) The circled less-than and greater-than characters U+29c0 and U+29c1, “⧀” and “⧁” are also not supported by the Unicode font stack I usually use. (Although my Cambria stack seems to work with them: “⧀ ⧁”.)
In the Hiragana text converter, one-, two-, and three-letter sequences that correspond to Hiragana characters are converted. The plaintext sequence “ki” is replaced by “き”, and the string “Ranma” becomes “らんま”. Any other characters or groups of characters which don’t correspond to Hiragana characters are left unaltered. (The converter also treats R’s and L’s interchangeably.) I may do something similar with Katakana in the future.
The Germanic Runes also lack a one-for-one correspondence to the English alphabet. Some letters have a direct equivalent (“D” is “ᛞ”, for instance), “Q” and “X” each translate to a pair of runes (“ᚳᚹ” and “ᚲᛋ”), and some combinations of characters have their own conversions (“CH” = “ᚳᚺ”, “DH” = “ᚧ”, “JH” = “ᛃ”, “KH” = “ᚲᛋ”, “NG” = “ᛝ”, “NJ” = “ᛜ”, “SH” = “ᛋᚺ”, “TH” = “ᚦ”). Furthermore, you can add a tilde (~) after most vowels to indicate a long sound, rather than use the default conversion (“A” = “ᚨ”, “A~” = “ᚫ”; “E” = “ᛖ”, “E~” = “ᚯ”; “I” = “ᛁ”, “I~” = “ᛇ”; “O” = “ᚩ”, “O~” = “ᛟ”). Note that these are not the runes that J.R.R. Tolkein used in The Lord of the Rings (he was inspired by Germanic runes, but altered and expanded them greatly); however, unaltered Germanic runes are used in some printings of The Hobbit. I typed “The Hobbit or There and Back Again” into the Text Converter, and what I got out (“ᚦᛖ ᚻᚩᛒᛒᛁᛏ ᚩᚱ ᚦᛖᚱᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛒᚨᚳᚴ ᚨᚷᚨᛁᚾ”) is exactly what appears on the title page inside my book.
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