Might as well, since I've got nothing better to do.
1. Your Name: Hakkyuu
2. Your age: Old enough for almost everything to be legal.
3. Describe yourself: Ahh, but if I do that it'll end the game faster, wouldn't it?
4. Describe your mate (if applicable): 'ch! Give me a break.
5. Where do you live? Location isn't important.
6. What's your favourite sweet? (It is so a basic!) Hm. Some hard little other world sweet that apparently tasted like lemon. Whatever that means. It's hard to say if the punishment for snatching it was worth it, but it healed.
What is your favourite...
7. Season? Winter.
8. Food? Anything spicy.
9. Animal? I don't really care.
10. Colour? Not important.
11. Time of day? The longest hour of morning, the darkest point between sundown and dawn.
12. Weapon? Double daggers.
13. Can you read? No. I'm fucking blind, genius.
14. Can you write? Nope, if any of these strokes resemble anything like words then it's purely coincidence.
15. Can you sing? Yeah, but I don't see why that's important either.
16. Can you play an instrument? Not really. Sirath makes wonderful music on someone's intestines, though... Apparently. Not my personal taste in music, but whatever.
17. What languages do you speak? The common one.
18. What weapons can you use? I'll make use of whatever is put in my hands.
19. Are you a virgin? Hahaha! Pleeeease. Don't insult me.
20. Do you mate for life? This 'mate' thing is fucking laughable...
21. Who was your first lover? (or, if you are a virgin -- Who would you like your first lover to be?) They're not breathing anymore, so what does it matter?
22. Who is your current lover? Hmph. If I had one it'd be no-one's business but my own and sure as hell no-one I work with.
23. What is your favourite sexual position? So many damn intrusive questions. If there's a real curiosity about this one then see if you can steal some time and come find out.
24. What are your kinks? See above, repetition is tiresome.
25. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? Separation.
26. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you? Reunion.
27. Who is your worst enemy? Dead.
28. Who is your best friend? My brother. Crazy fucker.
29. Tell us about your worst kiss. It ended badly.
30. Tell us about your best kiss. It was warm, soft and calm. It was a goodbye.
Are you...
31. Smart? On occasion.
32. Arrogant? Sometimes.
33. Good-looking? Better than the general mass.
34. Sexy? When I want to be, yes.
35. Capable? Determined to be.
36. Dangerous? Yes, but hope you meet me and not my associates.
37. Do you have any scars? Yes.
38. Do you have any piercings? Yeah. If you're looking for details I'm feeling kind of lazy on the subject. Sorry.
39. Do you have any tattoos? No.
40. Do you have any other markings? Not really.
41. Do you wear any jewellery? Not anymore.
42. Have you ever broken any bones? Mine or other peoples'? Yes to both.
43. Do you believe in a higher power? Sure, if I didn't she'd fucking kill me.
44. Do you belong to a formal religion? No.
45. Do you have any religious rituals? No.
46. Do your people have any sort of coming of age ritual? I didn't have time to be a kid, I've always been 'of age'.
47. Do you have any personal rituals? Maybe.
48. Do you have any sexual rituals? No, that would imply it's a regular thing or it was the same every time.
If you do not have a lover/mate/significant other/spouse, please answer the questions about your best friend.
49. How long have you been together? Oh jeeze, you're not serious, are you? I don't have a lover, a mate, significant other, spouse, fuck buddy, partner, or anything like that. And aside from my brother my best friend is dead. Do the math, sparky.
50. What do you like to do together?
51. What do you do to make your lover happy?
52. What do you do even though it upsets your lover?
53. If someone was going to meet your lover for the first time, what one thing would they need to know?
54. What's your absolutely favourite thing about your lover?
If you were a _____ what would you be?
55. a metal Silver.
56. a plant Maybe I'm a frozen tree in Korinda.
57. a fault Pride.
58. a virtue Unyielding determination.
59. a colour Amethyst.
60. a season Winter.
What is your most distinctive...
61. Physical feature? Who knows. My eyes? The smirk? The posture? Take your pick.
63. Physical mannerism? Smirking, I'd guess.
64. Character trait?Determination.
65. Turn of phrase? Lately, for whatever reason, it seems to be "Your naked fucking ass!". Long story. Let's not go there.
66. Pet peeve? Mistakes.
67. Habit? People watching.
68. What's one place you've always wanted to go? Anywhere at all. I can never feel fully settled.
69. What's one thing you've never been able to do? Things I will be able to do with time.
70. What one thing have you always wanted to learn but never have? Oh, I dunno, I never quite mastered the art of knitting.
71. What's one thing you've always wanted to do and never have? Real revenge. Death was far too kind.
72. What's one thing you've always wanted to have but don't have? His life returned. The dead don't come back and that knowledge is double-edged.
73. Who do you envy? Birds.
74. Do you like animals? Sure, if you like.
75. Which animals don't you like? Hostile ones.
76. Do you hunt? If so, for food or pleasure? Work.
77. Do you eat meat? Yeah.
78. Which animal do you most closely identify with? I don't. What the hell is this.
79. Which animal do you most closely identify your mate with? I don't have one. Jeeze.
80. What are you afraid of? Oh, well obviously I'm scared of the dark. It's so scary and monsters will come out and eat me and-- seriously. How retarded is that as a question? It's like signing a death warrant. Fuck you, suicide isn't my thing.
81. How do you deal with your fears? Head on.
82. Why did you cry most recently? I don't remember.
83. What was the worst pain you've experienced? ...yesterday was pretty unpleasant.
84. What is the worst injury or illness you've experienced? Ugh... Let's not go there.
85. What do you most dread losing? Sirath.
86. What is your comfort food? Anything spicy.
87. When do you reach for it? When I'm hungry. Jeeze.
88. What textures do you like least? (Why?) Slipweed. Ugh...
89. Which textures make you most want to reach out and touch? (Why?) Silk and the flat of finely made bladed weapons.
90. What scent do you like most? (Why?) Blown out candles. There's something comforting about a blanket of darkness.
91. What scent do you like least? (Why?) Fucking. Sewers.
92. Who (or what) do you live for? Tch. Stupid questions.
93. Who (or what) would you die for? Whatever I felt was worth dying for. Aside from Sirath, I dunno yet.
94. In general, what do people think of you upon first impression? Whatever I want them to.
95. What do people think of you after they get to know you better? They don't get chance to.
96. If you were to die right now, today, what kind of legacy would you leave behind? A bloody one, I expect.
97. What kind of legacy would you *want* to leave behind? What the hell does it matter.
98. Do you like children? Sure, why not.
99. Do you have children? Ha! No!
100. Do you want to have children? No.
101. What is your earliest childhood memory? I didn't have a childhood.
102. Who was your favourite person when you were a child? My best friend.
103. Name one thing that made it clear to you that were no longer a child. How old were you at the time? Young. And the event doesn't matter. Like I keep saying, I didn't have time to be a child.
104. Can you ride a bike use illusions? No. Uhhhh, fuck that shit. It's damn creepy.
105. Can you drive craft? If so, what? Just what I need to get by.
106. Can you swim? Enough not to drown, hopefully.
107. Can you fly? No.
108. Can you fight? Yes.
109. Can you lead? Sure, why not.
Would you rather...
110. Eat an endless amount or photosynthesize? Photosynthesize. It'd be useful during periods of waiting.
111. Hold your breath indefinitely or make yourself turn blue? Hold my breath. C'mon, the choice should be fucking obvious there.
112. Learn sign language or talk without moving your lips? Sign language.
113. Keep your eyes open without blinking or be able to turn off your hearing? Keep my eyes open without blinking.
114. Fly or walk through solid matter? Walk through solid matter.
115. Live forever and stay young or be reincarnated with your old memories? I don't really care.
116. Are you poor, rich, or in between? It doesn't matter. I have means to get money for anything I might need but I don't want anything. Like I say, doesn't matter.
117. Growing up were you poor, rich or in between? Didn't matter.
118. Is money important to you? No.
119. How do you acquire money? Ugh, there's a million ways to get money. Use your imagination.
120. What is your most valuable possession? I don't really have anything of value.
121. What is your most valued possession? Sirath.
122. What is your favourite sound? Pointless banter.
123. What is your favourite thing to touch? Silk and blades.
124. What is your favourite smell? Haven't we done this already?
125. What is your favourite taste? Sweat.
126. What is your favourite sight? The start of each day.
127. Which of your senses is your favourite? If I stated which one there's a higher possibility I'll lose it.
128. Can you cook? Enough to survive.
129. What kind of food do you normally eat? Whatever is available.
130. What food is a special treat (like for a birthday)? I don't really care.
131. Do you drink alcohol? Only when I have to.
132. Have you ever been drunk? Relate the most memorable time. I just remember looking at a wall and then my head met the table. Fun stuff...
133. What is your cure for a hangover? That stuff that tastes like grizzle crap.
134. Have you ever witnessed a crime? Yeah.
135. Have you ever commited a crime? Yeah.
136. Have you ever been wrongly accused of a crime? Yes, actually.
137. Have you ever been arrested? Not as such.
138. Have you ever been to jail/received punishment? Yes.
139. What's the worst thing you've ever "gotten away with"? Ugh. It was messy and careless.
140. What are you allergic to? I'm not.
141. Do you eat fish? Yeah.
142. Who is your oldest friend? Dead.
143. What makes the best pet? I want to say Sirath, but he actually makes a very bad pet.
144. What is the grossest thing you've ever done? Let's not go there.
145. Here is a needle, a tube of toothpaste, a deck of cards and some string. Make something. What did you make? Something I can use at work.
146. Name one thing about your physical appearance would you change. My back.
147. Name one thing about your mate's physical appearance you would change. Fucking stupid questions.
148. Name one thing about your life would you change. Lots.
149. Name one thing about your mate's life would you change. I don't have anyone like that.
150. Name one thing you did that made negative changes in your life. Would you do it again? Doesn't matter. Can't change it now.
151. Name one thing you did that made positive changes in your life. I can’t do that. It's a little too painful.
152. Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
153. Are you in love right now? Pfft. No.
154. Is anyone in love with you? How should I know?
155. Has anyone ever broken your heart? I did it to myself.
156. What is the best thing about being in love? I wouldn't know. All the sex? Who cares?
157. What is the worst thing about being in love? I don't care about this shit.
158. What was the most memorable event of your childhood? Getting bored now~
159. What's your favorite memory? Why? sirath
160. What's your least favorite/most painful memory? Why? not sirath
159. What's your favorite memory? Why? ...fucking bugnuts moron hijacking the pen. I dunno.
160. What's your least favorite/most painful memory? Why? Now why the hell would I want to bring that up again?
161. What do you do to help you preserve your memories (i.e. photographs, mementoes etc)? I just remember them. It not a concept a knowledge wheket came up with or anything.
162. Do you have a good memory or are you constantly forgetting things? Sharp as a razor.
163. Is memory a curse or a blessing? Both.
164. Describe your hair. Short, choppy, messy and silver.
165. Describe your mate's hair. Fuck this shit. It's fucking stupid.
166. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like? The same.
167. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened? I haven't had one.
168. Are you usually concerned with the appearance of your hair? (ie do you think about it or just brush and go) I don't need to be.
169. Hairy or smooth -- which do you prefer? Doesn't matter.
170. Do you believe in romance? Not really.
171. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done? None of your damn business.
172. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you? I was given someone's heart. Literally. Sirath has a way with his gifts.
173. Is a sense of humour important to you? Like you wouldn't believe.
174. What is the silliest thing you have ever done with a lover? I'm not saying, but it must have been really silly if it was the silliest thing I've ever done with a lover.
175. Name something that looks like fun, but that you would never do. Why wouldn't you do it? Get drunk in a social situation. It's too fucking dangerous.
What is your favourite... (and why?)
176. Fruit? I don't really care.
177. Movie?
178. Way to spend time with your mate? If I had one, most likely by teasing them. A good vocal battle is always fun and makes a change from the usual.
179. Number? 15.
180. Time waster? Training.
181. Sport? Tag. Shut up, it's a totally a sport.
182. Have you ever paid someone for sex? Fuck off. No.
183. Have you ever had someone tie you up? Tch.
184. What's the weirdest thing you've ever been penetrated with? Surely the only person who should care about that is me.
185. Where's the oddest place you've had sex? Doesn't matter.
186. What's your most perverted fantasy? None of your damn business.
187. Has your partner ever done something to you that you thought you'd hate and you got off on it? What was it? I don't have a partner, so no.
188. When did you get your first paying job? I don't even remember. It wasn't that monumental.
189. What was it? Like I say, it wasn't important.
190. What job are you working now? Doing jobs that are beneath my current employer.
191. What job do you expect you will be doing in the future? Who knows. The future is vast and events ahead are unpredictable.
192. If you didn't have to work (money wasn't an issue) would you still work anyway? Most likely.
193. What is your ideal job? Can't see myself doing anything else.
Say the first thing that pops into your head after each of the following words. Do you know why your brain made that connection?
194. Hate. Death.
195. Love. Who cares.
196. Sex. Pointless fun.
197. Family. Sirath.
198. Fear. Fucking slipweed and fucking chokeweed Secret.
199. Humanity. Fragile.
200. What is your favourite sound? We've done this already.
201. If you were deaf, what would you miss the most? Hearing people sneak up on me, I guess.
202. What does your voice sound like? Like a purr in your ear with a blade at the throat. Sort of velvety, a little undefined and androgynous. It sounds just the way I want it to.
203. Can you sing? I already said yes.
204. Can you play an instrument? Ughhh... No. We've covered this.
205. What is the sound of a sunrise? A sigh of relief for surviving another night.