Title: ジタバタ純情 ("Struggling Pure Heart.") - Chapter 7.5: Destiny ka?
Pairings: YaMei only in this one. ^^
Fandom: Hey!Say! JUMP, Johnny's Junior
Genre: Angst, fluff
Rating: PG-15 for now (References)
Warnings : Boys in love? With each other?
Disclaimer: *hides Pink Fluff Batallion in suitcase* Nooo, me no ownie.
Summary: Yes, Yuto wasn't wrong
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Comments 4
can i just imagine the 4-some to slide into the hallway and the first one stopping, the second one bumping right into the first and then the third and fourth persons following and making the whole crew crash into the wall? XD (and of course team cheeze being team cheeze ... they don't pay attention at all and just continue to ravish each other? XDDDD)
Now you've got me crying...
> the mystery is reveled?!
I wonder > How came to your mind to reunite those two?? (yabu x kamei)
How it came to my mind? Long story.
And... my mind comes up with really, really, really weird things at times. If you don't get them, don't ask, it might be better for your mental health.
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