Title:ジタバタ純情 ("Struggling Pure Heart.") - Chapter Fifteen: Crash and Fall
Pairings: Broken TakaChii, much?
Fandom: Hey!Say! JUMP, Johnny's Junior
Genre: Angst, fluff
Rating: PG-15
Warnings : Boys in love with each other? References to boi secks!?
Disclaimer: In Twilight zone, yes, I own.
No. )
Comments 4
and way to go captain-kun!
let's play "smack the midget"
sorry I shouldn't make fun of the emo!kid...
*mean bunny*
*goes all reporter on this*
Stay tuned people! And you will find out how Chinen recovers from his 'crash and fall' at practice...How Takaki Yuya will react to said 'crash and fall' as in...will he be a wimp and go all 'OMG CHINEN FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' or will he actually keep his cool and pull through with 'we broke up. the END'? And...will he kill Yabu later on for slapping Chinen? Or does Yabu radiate too much 'I WILL PWN YOU' aura even for Takaki to step up to him? he's had tiger-training after all...hoho Will Daiki recover his girlfriend or find a new one only to have her snatched away and burried in a forest at night by the JE MAFIA? Will Inoo ever make it to practice alive?
All of this and more in the next installment of JJ!!!!
Stay tuned~
(*too lazy to sign into her real LJ*)
Keito: Love affairs always end this way, avoiding a normal life, and wasting energy needed for work time! Isn't the english boy prevenant in his quietness?
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