Title:ジタバタ純情 ("Struggling Pure Heart.") - Chapter 16: Friday'd!
Pairings: Team evil.
Fandom: Hey!Say! JUMP, Johnny's Junior
Genre: Angst, fluff
Rating: PG-15
Warnings : Boys in love with each other? References to boi secks!?
Disclaimer: Uhhhhhhhh. No.
Summary: Hasshi says that the best way to make people talk about something is making a scandal out of it.
Is this an invitation to commit social suicide with you? )
Comments 4
sorry but that kind of winz XD
can't wait to read about the aftermath of Yuuto's "Hey!Say!WhocaresthatBubkaFridayandwhatevergossipmagazineshave
beeninexistence beforeHeisei" digest?
I love Hasshi's way of acting!
I love this fic! *cheers*
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