Mar 02, 2007 07:38
I'm stressed but I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY happy.
Feb 20, 2007 21:49
Often times you feel SO frustrated that you just want to cry but you don't because you don't really have the time because finishing the readings, and the papers you have to do is a much better choice than moping in your room.
Feb 19, 2007 21:12
... damn baby, you frustrate me...
i know you're mine, mine blah blah...
you look so good it hurts sometimes.
Feb 02, 2007 21:44
I really should relax a little bit. I realized that the good things they come when I least expect it.
Jan 28, 2007 16:44
I haven't played soccer in ages. 3 effin years to be exact. We played today, we didn't win the tournament, we won 1 game, drew 1, and lost 2...
The good part is that I got to score a goal :) The same old Aby way.
It totally made my day.
Jan 22, 2007 18:10
We're talking about Marx and my teachers said that blogging is reducing yourself to a commodity, a mere spectacle, for people to watch, criticize and make fun of (if ever they do). That made me feel ridiculous, however, I refuse to agree.
Jan 15, 2007 17:36
First day of school, It was great seeing everyone again.
Strange I feel like first year of college all over again.