As per what seems to be tradition now - and YAY for that! - I spend part of my summer with the beautiful medusa81 and the Boyfriends. This time around it was in Sweden - more specific at my family's house in Väster Götland and in Stockholm. As always it was beyond wonderfull to spend time with G and my Babygirl fell even more in love with her Auntie G :D
while we were at the house my parents joined us and we took advantage of that and let Her Highness spend some time with the grandparents which was something I think the all needed. Which ofcourse made it possible for us to go on some not-do-able-for-3-year-olds-hikes. Which was great! I haven't been able to do that in years and I were a little worried about my ankles, but they held up and as a result we got to see some pretty places and do a lot of talking during it.
When we got to Stockholm our hotel was just outside of down town and that meant taking the train in every morning and Her Highness being the world traveler that she is LOVED that!
One of the major undertakings we did while in Stockholm was to climb the tower of City Hall - which is 360-ish steps and I'm proud to report that Her Highness did 300 of those her very self and the only reason we didn't make it all the way up on her own steam was the fact that we had to let someone through and then her legs tensed up and she was unable to walk any further. Still pretty proud of my girl even more so just before we started the climb a group of tourists had asked if they would be able to take the elevator to the top instead of walking.