I'm trying I really AM! Trying to keep from hating Dean and thus become like those who have been bashing Sam for seasons now.
And I hope that if I do slip and start yelling at Dean on the top of my voice that y'all will forgive me.
But right now - just over 24hours later of me watching 'we need to talk about Keven' I am mad! and sad... well I guess I'm Smad then huh?
Not about what Dean did to get out of Purgatory - still we don't know what he did. Is
enilina right when she guesstimates that Dean might have had to kill Castiel in order for him to get out of there and that's why Dean was all non-responding when Sam asked about Castiel?
I'm not even upset about the fact that Dean brought a Demon back with him. Benny might turn out to be an interesting character for all I know. We're still WAY early - like THE EARLIEST - in the season so really everything is still fair game.
No what REALLY pisses me off is Dean himself and how he treats his brother!
http://unairedepisodes.tumblr.com/post/32874206726 I get that Dean's still in a mindset of combat mode and yes it will take a while for him to resettle into a world of just low-grade evil. But still... is that an excuse for treating his brother like dirt? Remind me again... does he have his soul? Should he know better? Oh and how did he feel when Soulless!Sam was the one being a giant uncaring soulless asshole?
Yeah that wasn't so much fun now was it Dean? Oh and how long were you in Purgatory? A year right? - so far it seems time in Purgatory moves just like topside time - so how does a year in Purgatory compair to ALMOST TO CENTURIES in Lucifer's cage?
So yeah... I'm not doing too well at accepting Dean's behavior.
http://holdmesam.tumblr.com/post/32854252414I'm looking forward/dreading the day that Sam stands his ground for real... He already tried this episode, but Dean just wasn't listening or something.
I hope the next time I'll have a more happy post... I will eventurally get back around to perving on Sam Winchester and the epicness that is him.