I like Japanese food - particularly sushi and sashimi - as one part of a wide variety of national cuisines available for my prandial oblectation. But, as I am now back in Japan, I cannot refrain from noting that sushi preparation techniques should be confined to comestibles. Witness Japanese English, a pernicious weed in the garden of second
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Comments 8
How's it going? Glad to hear from you!
Sorry it's been such a long time. I did in fact write a long e-mail several months ago, but it turns out that all the e-mail that I had been sending from that cafe was coming through blank. In some ways so much and in other ways so little has changed that it will really take another e-mail to begin to fill in the blanks! I checked out your journal: Congratulations on your A+'s! I knew you had it in you, and I'm glad that you now know it too. So much to say... But I'll stop here for now. P.S. One of the things that I remember writing in my lost e-mail was that I think you'd make a fantastic southern historian. Now that I've seen a few of your entries on the subject, I'm even more confirmed in that view.
How are you?!?!?!?!??! We miss you man!
That's all I think I can say.
Holy Shit.
Brian is doing well. He still enjoys his job, just not his bosses. We are getting married next summer and I think the post reception might include lots of beer.
I did not heed your advice regarding Greek, I did exactly what you told me not to. So my goal for this summer is to scramble and make sense of it all. I'm pretty good for the first 25 chapters, after that its all downhill.
Post some pictures of your child. I'm sure she isn't crawling around in poppy diapers. Is she now two?
What are you doing? Teaching?
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