(no subject)

Mar 21, 2006 20:54

hmm, yes, hmmmm. i was there, trying to think of something to write about. i have recently not written very much, not very often, and not of interest. i will declare now this post will not change any of that. apart from the much perhaps...

but we will see...

i discovered the other week the spell checking option at the bottom of the post comment thing, i should probably make use of that from time to time, but as im not the one reading this it doesnt really bother me, and so i probaly will just forget, or more likely, cant be bothered to try and check, i mean, its my journal after all, so really if it has spelling mistakes and grammer errors, then its just reflecting...my true ... somethingness. hmm, yes that didnt go to well did it. ahh. well there is an actuall good reason for me to continue in my lazyness against spell checking, i probably make up so many words in the process of trying to explain myself that i wouldnt know what the word it was i was actually looking for. and presides, (i think that actually might be besides, i vagely remember someone mentioning that to me a while ago) but anyway yes, presides/besides, actually i have forgotten what i was going to talk about. my memory is so poor recently. or perhaps that is just tierdness, who knows!

i havent written on here in a while, not properly anyway - well at least what i would consider properly. i havent really had much to say, i dont think i have been thinking as much as i have done in the past, at least nothing i remember for long enough to stick in my mind. but i have felt many a time like writting something, and so this time i thought i would just try. i forgot how my long winded approach to writting, about Anything means i am actually quite competant about writing a lot about absolutly nothing, for no reason at all. however i think the main reason i havent posted, is probably, i dont think i have anything to out-let so to speak, im not one for deplicting my days or future plans, though i do, do both on occasion. and i havet got anything i want to get off my mind, not really anything i feel like sharing with random internet people anyway. not that many of you are random, or indeed 'internet people' exactly, but you know.. and i havent really had any random stories or inspiring ideas. i think spring is needed and fast! but thats about it.

so infact this post is probably one of the most boring and pretty pointless posts i have ever written, i henceforth apologise. perhaps if i was in a different mood, or any mood for that matter i may be able to be more entertaining, alas i am not in any mood, just kindof neutral nothingness, but not in a bad way just like a blank piece of paper. pretty boring really!

well, to avoid complete bordome, i thought i might write about some of the things i have been thinking about recently - which may infact be a very long time ago but anyway...

these are mainly physics/philosophy/random thought trails/interesting crossing thoughts i have had. firstly, i was thinking about dimensions, this is just a load of crappy random musings there is nothing real here, take dimensions in there own right.
then apply them to a finite, yet very large space.
take a dimension which has in fact 0 dimensions (if you understand me) basically this is a dott right. well a point(dott if you like) can fit an infinite number of times into the space. (i think this explanation only really works visually but oh well - i have cool pics in my mind!) so nowtake 1 dimensions - a straight line, this can fit into the finite space also a very large number of times pretty much infinite as well, but only of course it can fit less times into the finite space than the point. if you think about it. - the line can be made up of infinite points so the point must fit more times. okay so now take a 2d plane, fits a lot but yet again no matter how many times you fit it into finite space the 1d, fits a lot more and the 0d even more! okay so carry on through all the dimensions, getting more and more. 3d, 4d, 5d, etc al the way until a really large number - to me i imagine a really complicated shape with lots of corners and irregular jutting out bits, (this is a wrong way to imagine dimensions but anyway, this isnt real it just interested me-- i shoudl mention now there is no point to this and it doesnt mean anything it was just interesting in my mind) any way so you have this huge dimentional thing, there is only a set number of ways you can set this in the finite ways, so basically you see, as you increase the number of dimensions the numeber of ways it can fit into the finite space decreases, so if you take the number of dimensions to be infinity minus one, then there can only be one way in which the dimension fits into the space. and it would seem if you have ifinite dimensions there is zero ways to fit it into the space, so its like the space itself, okay so it proabbly means you cant get that many dimensions, but anyway, its more interesting to think, what is outside the space. if the dimension is as big as the space, so that it is the space itself then it must exist in something. okay so space isnt actually finite, but even if you make the space infinite, then with an infinite number of dimensions then it still happens, okay so i know dimensions are nothing like how i was imagining them, i was going to think more about that but then i found out there are actually theories on dimensiony stuff so i havent thought about it since, i think its because when i know there is a correct answer, i know i dont know enough to actually make any sensible assumptions about any of it. i did get as far as the whole dimensions are not as simple as space thing, and thus we dont really know how many there or how they fit 'look' exactlty, not quite so simple to fit things more, conceptual than time into actuall physical matter, and that really, a 'space' probably exists infinitly for each dimension, i mean you cant just restrict things to lengths and stuff, but still no matter how irrelevant and meaningless it all is it interested my mind.
it like the whole how do you go negative speed, thing, like go -10 miles per hour, how do you go slower than stationary. i dont care if its impossible and doesnt exist its still interesting to think about, everyones always trying to go faster than the speed of light, and thats theoretically not possible so why cant you think about going slower than the nothing. actually i use to think you could go faster than the speed of light but i think my argument was inductive reasoning, and i dont actually know anything about it at all! and im too tierd to think about it right now.
i was also thinking about infinity, a lot. i think i just need to go to university so i actually understand whats going on and all the stuff isnt left out. otherwise physics just has so many contradictions, even though okay i know they are ruled out mainly by probability, but in an infinite world they must happen somewhere, and stictly more than once. i was reading this thing about parallel universes, which are so not as interesting as i thought, the explanations for there occurance are quite simple really, its like when a maths question is easy afterall. and then its just a disappointment, but perhaps that is just me. i like things to be complicated - not in life- but in like physics and maths and things, as long as they aren't that difficult when you do or understand something complicated, you feel like you actually achieve something, otherwise you just feel cheated, well that is probably just me.

sorry for such a boring post, i would go on, but i feel i have shared enough random thoughts on such things. i reallyu wish i could just . i have just completly forgotten what i was writing there mid-sentance! how dare it! tisch!

hmm, where was i, i had dinner there in the middle of all that. and now i feel much tireder, i cant think properly, i wish i would write something interesting, i think im trying to force my mind to live, but instead i just feel blank, and i get the feeling maybe i should just sleep, sleep is a cure all really. you know i never thought i would get bored of sleeping, but seriously, thikn of all the time i waste just sleeping! you know think of all that extra procrastination i could be doing.
i think i used sleep too much as an escape, so now it isnt one.

hmm, i think im going to have to leave it here. im sorry for the true rubbishness of this post. its actactually wierd how you need emotion to think properly, or perhaps you dont, perhaps thats the whole point, my mind is turning me into a droid so i can do all my revision and everything and not be all emotionally hung up about it or worried or anything...hmm, im not so sure that will work, i probably need to panic a bit at least! and also it doesnt seem to stop me procrastinating!

ahh well, i think i will buy some more music, music is always inspiring especially new music! and as i have now finished that work i deserve something! so yes... too amazon!

adios mis amigos, lo siento para este 'post'
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