Dropping for me like pulling out teeth. Incredibly painful. That being said, it's about time I sorted out my thoughts on the matter.
I really have a hard time with him. What annoyed me the most about the latest Q and A session with Samuel Vincent and everyone else is that they called Aerrow "stale" and that upset me to unreasonable levels and damnit, I love Aerrow a whole lot, even if I don't play him enough to show it. It's worth noting that he's at least paid all the way to the end of the year so I feel I should at least keep him until then. I just really, really love Aerrow guys. But sometimes, I wonder if my creators are right and he's really just a stale character and nobody really cares whether he's around or not and that is a despairing thought for me.
Plans: See if I can get a hold of that comic, canon-update, age-up, maybe hash out more on how I play him and my feelings on Aerrow in general. Do Shuri's date that I've been procrastinating on since forever. :( I am a terrible boyfriend.
Oz Vesalius
I cannot drop Oz, not unless there's another crazy issue-riddled smiley-crazy shouta out there for me. Which I doubt will be like Oz and his canon because it's not just I love Oz, I love his canon. I've had him for a year and he still surprises me with the relationships he gets and the outcomes of his threads and I just really, really enjoy playing a crazy shouta on the internet guys. Things have been rough for him in and out, but honestly, I've kept him for this long and he still somehow fulfills me in ways that are beyond me. So no, Oz is as safe as it gets.
Plans: None at the moment, though I imagine he'll be doing a lot in the months to come. Maybe make more icons? I can never have enough!!
He's the only tsundere in my lineup. His canon is also one I've loved forever and without him, I won't get to have ridiculous reactions to mundane and embarrassing things!! idk it's very hard to define but I feel very relaxed when I play Haruka. He's blunt, what you see is pretty much what you get, he has lousy instincts and I find that he's very much a comfort to play whenever I feel completely lost in terms of my play. In all honesty, I should be putting him through more horrible things but I'm quite happy with his pacing, his threads and generally, playing him. I imagine if I ever truly app another tsundere, Haruka's position in my lineup would be very much endangered but it's been a good year and I'm quite happy to keep him there.
Plans: Do a co-post with Kantarou, tag more people.
Virgil Hawkins
Tricky! I tell everyone that if I ever have to drop anyone, it'll be Virgil. And yet, he's outlasted Speed Racer and Shawn Spencer, two characters I never expected myself to drop ever. I think it's because Virgil is my niche. He's pretty much the character I have completely and utterly pegged. He spouts ridiculous references! He's a DC superhero! He's pretty dumb and yet pretty damn smart! Virgil is a lot like myself with funkier hair and superpowers. Whenever I do play him, I throughly enjoy myself because it's just me being shameless and talking like a geek, and reveling in my geekdom and oh, did I mention I get to quote pretty much everything? I take great joy in this. So, he may not be making tons of relationships or being as social as he should be, but really, no one else out there is going to app Virgil Hawkins and if I dropped him, no one will and that makes me sad enough. Besides, DC seems to be reviving the Static Shock canon so I want to see if there's anything I can gleam from them to further some development and play. By the way, someone app me a Richie and complete my life. That is all.
Plans: Make some comic icons for the hell of it, pimp for Richie and Sharon, maybe have a video game post.
Dean Winchester
I have a Sam and a Castiel. Lol no in your dreams!! And. Yeah, that's all I have to say. I haven't posted with him in a while and he doesn't get out as much as he used to, but he still has ten times more activity than half my lineup and his relationships that he's developed keep me interested and wanting more, so no! Dean is very much in the "Never will be dropped" zone. This is always subject to change since Dean relies on certain factors in order to be managed in camp, but really. I have a Sam. I AM GOOD.
Plans: Do a co-post with Castiel about pie, do something with Sam!!! I am undecided on what, but. Something. :|
sob my baby. Why are you so close to being dropped? Honestly, he gives me the same problems as Aerrow does. I feel sometimes that his character is too typical and stale and because of the huge contrast between the environment he came from and camp, a lot of his threads don't really offer anything different or interesting. I'm not kidding when I say Casshern is continuously developing. Little statements do have a bigger effect on his development than most people would believe, but frankly, I can imagine that Casshern, being the way he is, wondrous yet emotionally deprived being that he is, doesn't have a lot to offer in return. So again, the feeling of boring everyone with Casshern starts coming back to me and I wonder if I should just let him go :(. I adore his canon, but it is quite honestly, bizarre and hard to make sense of.
Plans: Maybe essay more on his development, pimp for canonmates, possible canon update??
Yui Ikari
Will only get dropped when Gendo drops. The End. No really, I refuse to drop her unless Gendo drops. I just need to play her more.
Plans: Possibly have a list of people I should tag for Yui. Or maybe have one of those "Can I jump you" memes so I know where to start.
Ahh, my other problem child. Because his canon is, quite frankly, amazing, I constantly worry over "doing it wrong". I've read the manga and the doujins and the version in the movie and the original is so utterly different while yet being similar, I worry about overlaps and losing the sense of a person he is in the movie. I just... get intensely paranoid with him and sdfhsd I love his canon so much and it has a pretty intense following so idk I worry about screwing him up a lot more than I do playing anyone else. YES EVEN BEYOND SCAR. But jealous boyfriend is here and I should bother Jin-hyuk into playing with me, not to mention Chikage is here too so I don't think I'll drop him soon. Not... until at least Jin-hyuk drops, in which I must deeply contemplate my next move.
Plans: Joint post for employees at Antique with Jin-hyuk, essay on Jean, state of the union possibly.
Oh god, I'm getting tired rambling. But Bumblebee is way beyond ever ever ever getting dropped guys. He's my soul animal. My soul animal is a tiny tsundere robot who acts super gay with other robots and is a total puppy and a total dick all at the same time. I just cannot tell you how much I love him, I love his canon and I had bloody conniptions when I waited to app him because goddamnit he had to be mine and no one else's and my cast frigging ninjaed me before I even apped and I did actually cry about this for a while because I was so utterly paranoid over someone else taking him away from me. But god, now that I have him, every thread is a dream come true. Every single one. I have fabulous castmates as well so yeah he's so very much to stay and I could never let him. I finally play a giant robot on the internet! AND IT'S NOT HOTSHOT. Who would have thought?
Plans: Turn him into a Pikachu, pimp for more castmates (PROWL!!!), etc etc, do a proper relationship meme for him.
Honestly, despite Tokage being on my "To App" list since forever, I had no deep plans to app her! She was just on indefinite, especially since nobody who I pimped that canon to, ever liked it! This just made me very sad and retreat into my secret place where I keep all the canons I love close to heart and never tell anyone about them :x. Then Serph, the light of my life, read it! (Mostly because Serph and I have ridiculously similar tastes to certain things, so I thought "Why not?" and Serph, the light of my life, decided to give it a chance) and Serph loved Shinobu! Such things were too good to be true! And she really wanted to app Shinobu and honestly this was my chance. I will never stop loving Serph for saying she wanted to app Shinobu. And Tokage is delightful to play! She's completely and utterly different from my entire lineup! I get to do things I never had the chance to do before! I GET TO BOOBSQUISH PEOPLE. Tokage is a very unique character to me and I could never drop herrrrrr.
Plans: Scan the rest of my manga, make more icons, pimp for a Sakaki, do more terrible things~ Talk to Yuuko!
Scar is what I would call an impulse app. Yes, despite waiting two months to app him, I constantly wavered between him and another counselor I wanted like burning. His app was the easiest thing I have ever churned out and I had pretty much everything for him set up weeks before apps actually opened. And now that I have him, he's also the easiest character to play! His voice comes so perfectly for me THAT I WORRY. Yet, he's also a plotty mcplot type, which means I have to give a lot more consideration on how he approaches people and how he manipulates things. I think, compared to any other villain (except perhaps... Frollo and a few other human ones), Scar is one who comes off easily as the most blatantly evil and also one of the least powerful ones. So he relies very heavily on his wits and whoever he can scavenge into believing him and pledging loyalty to him. In a way, Zira was really a load off his mind since Zira is a fallback option in cast things got messy for Scar. He would just have Zira take the fall for him and she would! (sob!!) That being said, he's not really close to being dropped anytime soon, but it's too early to say as well. He is very much a character I could play and drop whenever I feel like it. It's just a matter on how difficult I find him.
Plans: Riding post, plottings, get a rename token
I don't know! Despite having eleven characters (and despite constantly being pointed out I have eleven characters), activity is still not a problem for me and I feel very zen about everyone's level of play. It suits me! And yet, I always have that nagging doubt that honestly, do I really need all these characters? Some, I imagine I could keep and say "Well, will you app him/her?". It's a thought I've come to terms with and I imagine that most of my characters wouldn't really be touched or approached. The more popular ones (again, only Dean and Oz come to mind and even then I don't really see anyone in my lineup as "popular" so to speak) are the ones I am least likely to drop anyhow. So... I don't know! I have had a few moodswings lately about playing and just feeling meh and yet at the same time, I'm just... okay! Bizarrely content! I feel like I should have more issues here and there and I get the feeling I probably do, but then I don't think too heavily on RP anyway :x it's all pretendy fun to me.
Plans: I need to make a list but uhh, state of the union, relationship memes, a few essays, sort out some thoughts and headcanon, post/pimp more?
Right now, from most likely to least likely [assuming the worse of course]
Casshern -> Sun-woo -> Scar -> Aerrow -> Virgil -> Yui (only if gendo drops!!) -> Haruka -> Tokage -> Dean -> Oz -> Bumblebee
sob now I'm sleepy.