✖ Permissions ✖
→ Encrypted threads and posts CAN be hacked by technopaths and specialized (alien/future tech users) ONLY.
→ Please give me a head's up first for big plot related things. Menial conversations, go nuts.
→ If info is hacked, it can be brought up again to Warren at a later time (just please specify in the subject line of your tag when/if you hacked the info in question plz)
→ Warren has very thorough training using Shi'ar (alien) and advanced technology. When hacking him, please keep in mind that it won't be as easy as any regular old computer user.
→ If I label something as 'UNHACKABLE', it's only labeled as such as per my personal choice and not because your character is necessarily unable to. These labels are just things I'd prefer kept on the DL, please and thank you!
→ I don't mind it, but please use variably. Every single fine detail being known about my character's life is a bit too much meta for me, and I am uncomfortable with it. However, if a character ever wants to bring up the fact that Warren is, in actuality, a comic book/cartoon/movie/manga character, then that is acceptable.
→ In regards to characters that have the ability to fourth wall LJ memes, icons, and the RP itself, I'm okay with that in all regards.
→ If your character is strong/skilled enough to peek through standard mental guards, then permission is granted.
→ Mind-wiping is not allowed unless I've been asked first.
→ Body/mental possession is okay, but I'd like to be informed first.
→ Mental and/or voice persuasion is allowed.
→ Telepathic characters would be able to sense two distinct psyches in Warren's mind. His own, and the Horseman of Death's.
→ Yes, you can tell if he's lying or not, if that's your character's ability.
→ Feel free to read/bring up/converse about my characters's future if applicable at any time.
→ Same goes with his past. Past-readers can feel free to see and find Warren's memories of Apocalypse and becoming the Horseman of Death. They would also see how distraught he was from the deaths of: Candy Southern, his father, his mother, Psylocke, and Jean Grey. They would also see he has fond memories of his early days with the X-Men (original team), the Defenders, X-Factor, the Gold Team. They would also pick up that he is currently (in canon) a member of the X-Club as well as Cyclops' black ops assassin squad, X-Force.
→ These are all very readable if your character is an empath or something similar. These can be brought up at any time, without permission first! They are as follows:
→ Sexual/Lust: Beautiful women. Warren is a very sexual person, flirty, and very self aware, so this vibe is always strong.
→ Objects: Money, cars, collectibles, stylish/expensive attire, success, flying, women.
→ Things he hates: his shattered psyches, being used, having his failures thrown in his face.
→ He is very: proud, ambitious, energetic, stuck up, condescending, moody, easily stressed.
→ Fears: Apocalypse, Hodge, becoming a Horseman again, losing his wings (this is the big one)
→ Warren: relatively calm, remorseful, caring, loyal, upstanding, flirty, and charming guy. This psyche will be louder if he's happy, calm, or relaxed.
→ Death: Loud, angry, judgmental, violent, bloodthirsty, uncaring. This psyche will always be louder if he's angry, hurt, or agitated.
→ If Warren's mood is relatively neutral or annoyed, both psyches can be heard/picked up on evenly.
→ Warren is NOT a real angel, but a "Cheyarafim". This is basically a mutant with angelic qualities.
→ If you are a demon and you come into contact with his blood, it MAY burn/injure you. Stupid Chuck Austen logic.
→ As Death, the Horseman has a 'death sense'. Basically if you are (un)dead, he'll know.
→ Ratings I will write? G - NC-17
→ Non-con? Preferably not, but ask if there is something you have in mind.
→ Dub-con? Again, ask.
→ Slash or Het? Het only with this guy. Unless something BIZARRE happens (eg, game wide plot) then talk to me. I'm not against writing slash.
→ Multiple partners/Different Positions/Oral/Bondage/Anal/Toys: Sure.
→ Under age/Scat/Urine/MPreg: NO THANK YOU.
→ Kiss/touch/hug/hold hands with him: Sure.
→ Touch his wings: Only if you're being nice.
→ Invade his personal space: Go nuts, as long as he's not in Horseman mode.
Can your character:
→ kidnap him: Yes. If he's in Horseman mode though, good luck.
→ mentally torture him: Yes.
→ Ambush him: Yes.
→ Severely injure him: Yes, by all means. He's got a crazy healing factor.
→ Kill him? Oi, good luck with that one. Ask me.
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