I've bitched enough in my last post so I won't go back to that.
What I will say is this: I never thought a series finale could leave me as cold as this one did. The CGI animals were the only ones that gave me an emotion and made me cry. I cried twice watching this episode and the rest of the time I sat there thinking I should have stopped watching at the end of episode 3.
Drogon head-butting his mama's body trying to get her to wake up, then melting the Iron Throne out of rage and grief before picking Dany up and flying away with her basically ruined me.
Ghost standing there in Castle Black at the end and greeting Jon with a nuzzle finally reunited with his lifelong friend (though Jon deserved to be bitten rather than welcomed back,) made me cry so hard I should have been ashamed of myself.
Everything else? A world of meh. New headcanon: first three episodes of season 8 can stay, then Dany just beats Cersei without turning into a completely different character and sits on the Iron Throne like the Queen she's always been. Jon and everybody else can do what they like, I don't care.
That's it. Bye GoT, way to go out with a whimper instead of a bang.
In unrelated news, I'm obsessed with a song that was featured in the final scene of season 4 of Lucifer (which I adored, btw.) I have it on repeat and I'm basically sending it out to every single one of my contacts. People hate me *g*
Anyway, I don't see why I shouldn't share it here too so here:
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