[OOC] Player Info Meme

Jun 19, 2009 15:05

I am Crystal / crystalweaver

I play Kushieda Minori (ascrewballpitch; Toradora!), Koga Norio (bewareoftraps; Narutaru)

Concrit/OOC issues: If I'm doing something wrong, I would much much rather that people give me crit in either of my crit posts or on cfud_concrit (when I actually comment, which I at least try to do regularly) than for people to secretly think I suck while I remain blissfully unaware. I can't promise I will change all of my play exactly how you tell me to, but I do promise to listen without getting offended and take everything you say into account.

Contact Methods: I try to be on IRC pretty often (usually as Minori, sometimes as Norio), though my spazzy internet connection sometimes makes that difficult. If I'm not on IRC, you can send me an e-mail at thegeekninja[at]gmail[dot]com. You can also contact me through gchat. It may seem that I'm never logged on, but I'm usually just invisible; if you send me a message while I'm "offline," there's a pretty good chance I'll respond to you within seconds.

Time and scheduling issues: EST! During the school year, I'm generally home and awake 5:00-10:00 PM on weekdays, and all day long on weekends. But summer just started for me, so it's like one giant weekend! Until my summer job starts up in July, in which my schedule will revert back to about 4:00-11:00 PM on weekdays. There is a high probability I will be able to workninja, though, because my job is Really Fucking Easy.

Cliques, jumping, thread-dropping, etc.: I WANT TO PLAY WITH EVERYONE. I love being jumped by people; it's very flattering and gets me playing with more people. I occasionally jump threads myself, but I'm fairly shy and think I'm annoying to play with so I often hold back. I'm more likely to jump you if you've already jumped me in the past. If you tell me you want to play with me, I will make sure to jump you!

I'm fairly thread-droppy, which is something I'm trying to work on; just please be aware that if I ever drop a thread with you IT'S NOT YOU, IT'S ME. I usually drop threads if I get too tired to keep roleplaying and forget to pick it up later, I run out of things to say, or I feel like I'm beating a dead horse, but I can't imagine I'd ever be adverse to picking up a thread if someone asked me to.

Comfort levels: I'm not really worried about this! I think it's pretty hard to overstep my comfort levels, and I'm pretty certain every person in this RP is thoughtful and considerate enough not to go there without asking me. But if something comes up, I'll let you know?

Apps and betaing: When I decide I want to play a character, it usually. Takes me at least two months to actually get off my ass and right the app. I'm really lazy. I won't be annoyed (in fact, I'd be kind of flattered) if you try to top me into apping a character, but I just . . . can't promise it will actually work.

I've never really tried betaing before and I probably wouldn't be the best person to ask, but if you asked me I wouldn't say no?


Essays: Again, the laziness comes into play! I often plan essays out in my head, but actually typing them up . . . hasn't really happened yet. Someday! However, if you really want me to write a certain essay, feel free to ask regardless. I'll probably be more motivated to write something if someone actually asks me to do it.

Posting and memes: . . . I've only ever posted intros for my characters. It's not that I don't want to post, but I like to pick times to post when I'm free for most of the night and can just concentrate on threading, and I just haven't had that kind of time lately. Now that summer's started, I should have time to post more often.

I've never co-posted before, and I think doing that would be awesome! But I'd feel kind of awkward asking someone to do this with me out of the blue, plus I don't have any ideas. If you do have an idea or you don't but you still want to post with me, please let me know! I will definitely say yes unless I happen to be extraordinarily busy or something at the time.

Memes are nice.

AU-ing: Probably not.

Final comments: People have been putting specifics about characters here, so I will follow the crowd.

Minori: She's my current primary and the character I have the most fun threading with, though I have to be in the right mood to play her and sometimes my responses can be slow. Minori is wai wai genki desu, so that makes meeting new people really easy. She's a really flexible character and I can play either extreme crack or Serious Business threads with her, though she is generally more predisposed to happy things.

Norio: He's become a backburner (I was looking back at thread logs and I realized I hadn't played him for almost a month . . . whoops) and I really want to start getting him out more; however, I usually need a decent excuse to start threads with him because he's pretty antisocial and wouldn't really go out of his way to meet new people. He's easy to play once I get started with him, though, so if you're at all interested in playing with him, please let me know! I'll find some way to make it happen.

Finally, I'm an Emo Internet Loner and I kind of suck at talking to people and carrying conversations, so sometimes this probably makes me come off as a bit of a snob. But I really do want to talk to people and communciate well and make friends and I think everyone here is extremely awesome and please don't ever think I think anything else!!1

info, ooc

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