[OOC] Stats and Permissions

May 18, 2009 19:17

Age: 17
Height: Do I have something official for this? Let's just say "average."
Weight: Not skinny, but not overweight either. Pretty average.
Medical Info: Nothing of note?
Eyes: Purple . . . ish?
Hair: Red
Physical traits: Probably fairly well-toned.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything! Though if you start making very personal remarks or saying things she really doesn't want to hear, she might . . . get angry. You wouldn't like Minori when she's angry.

Abilities: Is a sports genius! Stronger and faster than your average 17-year-old girl, but still within the limits of a normal 17-year-old girl. No magical powers or anything here.

Notes for the Psychics: She's a lot smarter and a lot more insightful than she comes off as. Her thoughts are very much focused on her dream of playing softball at the national level and how she can accomplish that. She thinks a lot about her friends, too - especially Taiga.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure! Ping me if it's anything really big, though.

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Yes!

Maim/Murder/Death: . . . Yeah, uh. I'd rather not go beyond small scuffles and fist fights (see: the one that happened in canon), but if the situation calls for it . . . let's talk? That's a pretty definite no on death, though.

Cooking: Yes, quite well!

info, ooc

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