more questions! i'm sure you remember the rules from my previous post.
answers courtesy of the soon to be medicated lauren. =P
courtesy of
witchblood 1.)How old were you when you started to get into anime?
hm... not sure. junior high, i started watching the stuff they had on cartoon network, though there's this movie i loved as a kid called "space phoenix" that i realize now was actually anime.
2.)Let's say you had ten pages of notes. How many of these pages have
doodles on them, and how many doodles per page?
9 pages have doodles, generally at least 2 per page. no more than 5 per page, i'd guess.
3.)Now that you've been in college for a year, do you think it (college)
is overrated?
yes. and no. it's better than high school, but it's hardly the highlight of my life. O_o at least, i hope not...
4.)Are there any TV shows from the 90s that you sincerely wish you could
watch again? rescue rangers. definitely.
5.)If you're bored, what activity would you most likely try to begin
courtesy of
ultrajew 1. If you could ask anybody from history one question, who would it be,
and what would the question be?
hm... if lucifer counts, i'd ask him "why?" if not... teddy roosevelt. i'd ask if i could hug him. ^_^ he just looks so huggable!
2. If you could be anywhere on Earth right now, where would it be? Why?
england. in the pub c.s. lewis and tolkien would discuss their books in. because, well, it's THE pub.
3. Cake or Death? (Fifty points if you know the proper response to that.)
Seriously, though. Your favorite food?
(well, since you're out of cake, i'll have the chicken)
hm... pizza, probably. though red velvet cake with white frosting comes in a close second.
4. We've all had "D'oh! How could I be so dumb?!" moments; when and what
was your last one?
hm... not sure. i did yell "DAVE!!!" really loud at this guy, thinking he was someone else. he turned around, said "hey," and i realized. 'that's not him. is his name dave, too? does he know i just called him dave? oh crap what's his name?! does he think i don't know his name? why am i such a moron..." -_- i still don't know what his name is...
5. And finally, an oldie but a goodie: What would your perfect day be
hm... a day spent with friends doing dumb things, and eating junk food, culminating in running around my backyard at night playing kids' games.
courtesy of
goth4god 1. You're going to spend a month in the United Kingdom and can only take
five books with you. What would they be?
hm... watership down, c.s.lewis' space trilogy (so that's three), and the chronicles of narnia (i have it in one book, so there! mwa ha ha ha ha)
2. You're going to a Ren Faire as -- a princess, a wench, a nun or Morgan
le Fay?
nun. but only if i get to be one of the nuns from the hellsing spinoff (i.e. a beserker vampire slaying nun). otherwise, probably a princess.
3. If money were no object, what vehicle would you buy yourself tomorrow
well, i love my '87 black blazer (even when he's far away at home -_- ), so i'd either buy him a new engine, or buy one just like him (yes, my car is a he. deal with it! :P )
4. If you could spend the evening with anyone from any era, who would it
be (this does not have to be a romantic evening, and Jesus is too easy,
so he's disqualified)?
c.s. lewis. i <3 the man. ^_^
5. What would be your ideal DND character and campaign?
hm... i've always wanted to be a bard, but usually the campaign isn't right for it. so, i suppose any campaign where i could play a bard and not die every 10 minutes would be spectacular. i had a bard 1/ rogue 2 once, and that was fun...