Name: Ryo Akiyama
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Build: Thin and somewhat wiry
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Reddish brown; straight but spiked up; frequently two bits of fringe hanging in his eyes
Clothing: Generally baggy cargo pants and a red woolen sweater (no, his mum did not knit it); sneakers; he also carries a woolen navy blue hooded coat with a cream lining
Accent: Welsh; South Wales; Cardiff (if you Youtube Torchwood, it's more Gwen or Ianto you'll want to pay attention to)
Languages: Fluent in English, Welsh and Japanese a little rusty
Notes for psychics: He will sense you poking around in there! Ryo tends to act cheerful and sociable but he's still upset about Mimi, about his parents, about Sam.
Brown leather messenger bag containing:
White leather wallet (spare cash/loose change in pound sterling, Cardiff University ID, EFTPOS card, credit card, car key)
Nokia N-95 cellphone (8GB, mp3 player, 5 megapixel camera, GPS)
a blue d20
Magic: The Gathering cards
Ryo doesn't know it, but he's very slightly telepathic in the sense that he'll occasionally pick up people's surface thoughts. In other words, the stuff that tends to be related to what's going on. Ask him to make you a coffee, hope he doesn't put too much sugar in it, and he'll put just enough. Play cards with him and he might guess the next card you play. That kind of thing. He doesn't know how to focus this and would be unable to pry any deeper - or at all, really.
EDIT: This works only on organic characters and not computer-based ones, as they don't have brain waves in the same sense that organic characters do.
So! If you don't mind Ryo reading your characters' surface thoughts, please let me know. Hell, let me know if you don't want him reading them, too.