[ Cloud's not looking at the video when it starts, instead focused on a nail that he strikes with a hammer. He glances at the video, confirming it's on, but he seems distracted or restless. ] Vincent. You're about the only one who'd stay quiet for long. If you're here, say something. [ Pound. Pound. Pound. .... ] Or...if any Houses have a
Read more... )
I'm afraid I can't help you with your sleeper. I haven't seen anyone like that within House Freya.
[And here he thought katanas were weird.]
However, as for acquiring a sword, there are different shops throughout the city that sell weaponry. I've yet to find a suitable blade, but it seems we're expected to work in order to earn anything other than food and board.
Snowwomen. ...Snowbabes?
Cloud doesn't know how to feel about this mental image of Vincent kissing a snowbabe. He'd probably say no, since--
Oh wait, talking shop about weapons now. Focus, Cloud. ] Yeah, I've been hearing about that. Needing to work. Guess we can't count on handouts from snowmen. [ ...He was supposed to stop thinking about those. ] Still, it helps to know there's shops. You use a sword too?
No. It seems that only Hel's snowman was giving out weapons. [He's still a bit bitter about that. And that's all he has to say on the matter.] ... And yes, I -- have been trained in swordsmanship.
It may be helpful, if we are both interested in looking, that we compare the shops we find. This is a large city.
You know what kind of weapon it gave? [ 'cause if it was something good there's a kid from Hel right here he could talk to... ]
Makes sense. This place is bland, but there's gotta be differences. I'm lookin' for a broadsword. What do you use?
It appeared to be a small silver knife. [Unfortunately, it's not all that useful for someone used to a full-length sword, though it's something.]
Specifically a broadsword, or will swords of similar size and heft do? [He lapses into thought for a moment.] As for myself, something the size and weight of a regular fencing sword should be fine.
If it's a sword and it's the size and heft of a broadsword... is it going to not be a broadsword? Cloud's skilled in using one but it's not like he's an expert in the variety of swords; only other BFS he can think of is Sephiroth's Masamune, and who here would be making that? ] Yeah. Either way I'll figure something out. A fencing sword's pretty light, isn't it?
And you never know with the swordsmiths of the gods, Cloud. You never know. There's all kinds of big swords out there.]
I do not mind something slightly heavier or lighter. [He's worked with a variety of swords, that was just the easiest to describe, all things considered.] Provided the size is right.
Heh. This guy's really proper, huh? ]
Sure, I can remember that. What's your name?
And man, you have no idea. Watch him incline his head all proper-like.]
Thank you very much. I'll do my best as well.
My name is Allen; I am from the Kingdom of Lucifenia.
..........oh man it's Red as a person (except not) ]
Cloud. From--Midgar. [ Nibelheim being a touchy subject. 8|;; ] Stayin' in Heimdall.
Allen would be so completely unsure of how to react to being compared with a large red talking tiger. Welp.]
Ah... At the moment, I am in House Freya.
[It feels strange to make that a part of his identity -- he supposes he'll get used to it eventually. Maybe.]
It's a pleasure, Sir Cloud.
The houses for him are less identity and more "where do I go to track you down if I can't get you on this thing @_@". But yeah, Freya. Kissing snowbabe house. He's pretty sure he can remember this. ]
Right. [ Pl-pleasantries. What are they. ] I'll get in touch if I see anything that works.
And pleasantries are for losers.]
Likewise. I wish you the best of luck in your search.
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