Nov 20, 2011 22:52

W e l c o m e
Congratulations on being accepted to Asgard Eventide!
Now that you've made it through the application process, it's time to get settled in the game. Please follow the steps below to ensure that your character is listed everywhere they need to be and has the necessary information in their journal.

This round, we are moving the game to dreamwith sometime between Jan 8 and Jan 15. You are welcome (even encouraged) to wait til the move to intro and fill out the lists on DW. For now these instructions include the LiveJournal links. If you wish to join the LJ comms and lists now, you may. Otherwise, we will post an OOC notice in the OOC comm and on plurk when we have a definite move date, and will invite the character journal you should have responded to the acceptance email with into the comms. You will be notified by the invitation if you don't see our OOC post, so don't worry about getting left out. If nothing else, check back on the 15th -- we should be moved by then! We highly reccommend not buying a paid on your LJ for this game, since we'll only be here less than a month.

• Create your character's journal if you haven't already, then join the following communities: asgardeventide (network), asgardmeridiem (logs), and asgarddawning (ooc). Optionally, you can join our crack/meme comm, assguardians.
   • Once you've been let into the comms, comment to the taken characters and housing assignments pages.
   • Make sure your character's journal includes an IC inbox. You can code this however you want, there just needs to be one there somewhere. Threads done in IC inboxes (using the private message options detailed in the FAQ) do count towards activity check, so feel free to use this feature as much or as little as you want!
   • Optionally, put a permissions page in your character's journal. This should include any subjects you prefer not to be touched on, which powers are OK or not OK to use on your character, and anything else you feel necessary. Please do put up a permissions post if your character is likely to do something particularly annoying, controversial, or godmode-like (Homestuck text quirks, characters who like to murder, etc). It isn't mandatory, but having some permissions up makes communication easier for everyone!
   • Go introduce yourself/your character in the OOC comm! Make friends, post GIFs, whatever you feel like. We're all friendly here! Some members have requested that GIFs be cut, but we aren't enforcing one way or the other.
   • Join the AIM chat at asgardchat if you'd like to hang out! You can also follow the mod plurk at assguardians for pings when mod posts hit the ooc comm and when apps/reserves open, etc.
   • Jump in and have fun! We sincerely hope you enjoy your time in Asgard Eventide, and thank you for joining!


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