Title: Another Life
Chapter: 8 - Old Acquaintances
Characters: Bella, OCs, Rosalie, Edward, Alice, Emmett, Jacob
Relationship: Bella/Edward and all canon pairings
Rating: T
Summary: After Edward left, Bella was changed by another vampire and joined his coven. 30 years later her coven meets the Cullens
Spoilers: Bits and pieces of all 4 books
Disclaimer: I
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Comments 2
Have you considered posting it to fanfiction.net? I'd love to add it to my favourites so that I can get update alerts!
It's up on fanfiction at : http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4644914/1/Another_Life
Same name for the story but author name is flashster12 (someone already had ash_1212). Let me know if it doesn't work
Thanks for reviewing :).
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