lately everything has been mMmMmazing.
volleyball is going good we dont have the best team but we make do with what we've got.
Dann is going good, as usual. stef's boyfriend is doing cute things for her and my dann is getting mad and trying to do more cute stuff its funny.
school is going good. what more is there to say
im so excited for this
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Comments 14
im nice to all your friends besides the ones that call me a slut, your the one that even tells me they say that so don't deny it.
&&& your not perfect either im pretty sure your the one who tells me everyday. NICE BELLY SISSY! im surprised you have friends! your a bitch! when you and everyone else gangs up on me i don't think im supposed to say OMG i love you! i don't . AND jsut becuase im mean to you doens't mean i take everything for granted. you don;t even knwo me anymore so don't just make assumptions like that i think thats RUDE. but i guess we all have our different opinions. and maybe i don't have good grades but that doen't mean im stupid, and for saying what u said i say. i think telling your sister shes stupid is alot worse
whatever you'll never understand hwo i feel so jsut leave it alone
-ash im so happy everything in ur life is going good for you!!! volleyball is funn haha. i dont get why we were a better team last year cause we had people that suckedddd and this year everyone on it is pretty good. weirdd..but i can finally play YAY! haha
and i know you didnt mention me in there, but me and u ussed to be really close too. i dont really know what happened. but yeaa.. welll anyhoo miss you and love youuu c ya at vball
love you girliee
i know i hate anonymous i figured it was you tho. hah
see you during break?
i was just goin threw journals and stumbled across yours
o ya u look so b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l in that dress..
merry christmas
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