Brick by Brick 5/?

Mar 15, 2010 20:49

Almost three weeks went by before Tony even felt like looking at Gibbs again, and Gibbs didn’t push it. There were times when Gibbs came really close to making Tony walk, and there were times when it was obvious that Gibbs was trying so hard and Tony wanted nothing more than to throw his arms around him and just let him hold him again. But he didn’ ( Read more... )

gibbs/tony, ncis, brick by brick

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Comments 12

starbuckssue March 16 2010, 18:06:13 UTC
This is great. I am glad Tony isn't giving in easily, although I love the way Gibbs thinks he still has a chance even seeing Jenny and not knowing the nature of their relationship! He better not mess up this time!


im_miss_barbara March 16 2010, 19:03:42 UTC
I like Jenny, I hope she kicks some Gibbs ass.


psyko_kittie March 17 2010, 03:06:22 UTC
...Brilliant! And I liked Tony's post-it note. Short and to the point. :D Keep the chapters coming.


horseriderjen March 17 2010, 16:12:09 UTC
Oh Jenny is amazing! Tony needs someone to fight for him!


laura_trekkie March 19 2010, 22:52:55 UTC
I'm glad someone's making Tony eat and it was good that Jenny understood why Tony missed her party and didn't make a big thing of it. Loved her meeting the team, especially Gibbs.

And Tony's giving Gibbs another chance, or at least, a foot in the door to another chance. Let's hope he doesn't blow it and that the bitch stays away, or Gibbs manages to send her away if she does turn up.



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