
May 04, 2010 02:15

Title: Memory
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Hotch/Reid
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3184
Summary: In that moment Aaron Hotchner made a conscious decision to never hug Spencer Reid again.
Author's Note: OKAY~! So a few days ago chiazu introduced herself over at cm_hotch_reid, and asked for a rec for a fic that centered around what I call in my head The Hug of Revelations (* ( Read more... )

hotch/reid, criminal minds

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Comments 26

harknessgirl May 4 2010, 17:05:43 UTC
Amazing!! :D


ashbear02 May 4 2010, 20:34:48 UTC


ebonyfeather May 4 2010, 17:28:29 UTC
That was so sweet; so glad that Hotch came to his senses, even if it did take a dose of Anthrax to do it!


ashbear02 May 4 2010, 20:36:06 UTC
aw thanks~! =3

(Your icon is adorable to the max)


rambleinblue May 4 2010, 20:14:07 UTC
Very fluffy - yummy. Great prompt and excellent answer to the prompt.

This could almost turn in to a J/K.

Um, are you taking prompt requests - cause I have a silly one I am trying to give out in this fandom and my Torchwood fandom.


ashbear02 May 4 2010, 21:08:08 UTC
Prompts are always welcome because they make the plot bunnies hop.

xD It could turn into a series, but I'm terrible about doing that so I'm trying to refrain.


chiazu May 4 2010, 20:21:51 UTC
<3 X3 That was so wonderfully perfect! You're awesome and I love you! Thanks so much for writing this. You're going on my friends list now. X3 <3


ashbear02 May 4 2010, 21:42:01 UTC
xD I'm super happy you like it~! =D


chiazu May 4 2010, 22:48:16 UTC
XP Of course I like it! So much better than I thought it would be too. Not that I thought it would be bad of course. XD


ashbear02 May 5 2010, 01:37:08 UTC
well I'm happy it was a pleasant surprise. =D


colordrone May 5 2010, 01:54:49 UTC
i get the angst, though. very much so, in a here-is-my-stomach sort of way. WELL DOOOOOOOONE^36.


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