Hey guys! Oh man, it's been so long! After last night's SPN-episode, I vidded this through sobs.
Title: Losing Your Memory
Artist: Ryan Star
Category: Character Study, Tribute
Characters: Bobby Singer
Length: 4:11
Format: Streaming (Sorry, no DL links!)
Spoilers: 7.10
Summary: "I would have died..I would have loved you all my life.." ; A tribute to Bobby Singer after the episode 'Death's Door'.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGS2pZKQrX0 *~*~*~
I'm mostly on tumblr now!
http://ashdoode.tumblr.com/http://ashdoode.tumblr.com/http://ashdoode.tumblr.com/ <3 come find me! :D